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Personal Jurisdiction:

Power of a court to engage in binding

adjudication over a person or thing; DC's
authority tied to the state in which the fed
court sits OR "nationwide jdxn"
Case & Casebook Page No. Subject Area Rule
Compare /
Pennoyer v. Neff
Historical Reqmts,
State Boundaries
as Source of Power;
State power over people
& things begins & ends
with its boundaries
1. Presence / Consent / Long Arm Statute (DP
- min contacts + fairness)
2. Notice
Stakes: Potential Advantages for P - 1. Convenience to P 2. P's
Choice of Procedural Rules / Substantive Law
3. Bias Against Out-of-State/ Big-city Ds
4. Lawyer's familiarity w/ Court's rules
5. General Social / Economic / Political Characteristics of Jurors &
Judges 6. Case Backlog (trial waiting time)
Unresolved Issues
Territorial theory not workable in
mobile society; in-state service not
necessary w/ advamces in technology
Stakes: Potential Advantages for P - 1. Convenience to P 2. P's
Choice of Procedural Rules / Substantive Law
3. Bias Against Out-of-State/ Big-city Ds
4. Lawyer's familiarity w/ Court's rules
5. General Social / Economic / Political Characteristics of Jurors &
Judges 6. Case Backlog (trial waiting time)

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