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Fall 2014
Non Fiction List

The Black Swan (Taleb)

Steve Jobs (Walter Isaacson)
Rising Above The Gathering Storm, Revisited: Rapidly
Approaching Category 5 (The National Academies Press)
Innovation Nation (David Kao)
Combo: Why Engineers Need to Grow a Long Tail (Bill
Hammack) & How to Win Friends and Influence People (D.
Hot, Flat, and Crowded (T. Friedman)
Outliers: the Story of Success: (Malcolm Gladwell)
The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big
Difference: (M. Gladwell)
Blink:the Power of Thinking without Thinking: (M. Gladwell)
Guns, Germs and Steel (J. Diamond)
Collapse (J. Diamond)
The World Is Flat (T. Friedman)
That Used to be Us (T. Friedman)
Technology and the Future (Teich)
Ascent of Man (J. Bronowski)
Legacy (M. Woods)
Cosmos (C. Sagan)
The Technological Society (J. Ellul)
The Art of War (Sun Tzu)
Silent Spring (R. Carson)
Pale Blue Dot (C. Sagan)
The Book of Five Rings (M. Musashi)
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (R. Pirsig)
The Loren Eiseley Reader (L. Eiseley Society)
The Immense Journey (L. Eiseley)
The Invisible Pyramid (L. Eiseley)
The Unexpected Universe (L. Eiseley)
Pilgrim at Tinker Creek (A. Dillard)
The Whole Shebang (T. Ferris)
The Ascent of Science (B. Silver)
Children of the Ice Age (S. Stanley)
Cosilence (E.O. Wilson)

Walden (HD Thoreau)

Fiction List

Existence (D. Brin)

1984 (G. Orwell)
Brave New World (Huxley)
Inherit the Stars (J Hogan)
Code of the Lifemaker (J. Hogan)
I Robot (I. Asimov) and RUR (Carel Capek)
Fahrenheit 451 (R. Bradbury)
2001 (A. Clark)
2018 (A. Clark)
3001 (A. Clark)
Prey (M. Crichton)
Next (M. Crichton)
Snowcrash (N. Stephenson)
Ringworld (L. Niven)
Hunger Games (S. Collins)

Movie Night List

Fahrenheit 451
Day After Tomorrow
Forbidden Planet
War of the Worlds (original and Tom Cruise remake)
THX 1138
A Boy and His Dog
Book of Eli

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