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Bad Check Notice

Dear ____ (name):

This letter is to inform you that the check number _____ (number)
dated _______, l9___ (date) drawn to me in the amount of _____ (amount)
has been returned from the bank with the notation No !unds"
#e all make mistakes when it comes to bank accounts" $nd since this
is Christmas season, % am sure that this mistake was &ust an o'ersi(ht"
% am sure, thou(h, that you understand that % would like to ha'e this situation
rectified at once" Therefore, )lease send me immediately a certified check
for ______ (amount) )lus _____ (amount) for bank char(e (statement enclosed)
for which % was re*uired to )ay"
+our )rom)tness will enable me to read&ust your account with the bank and
return your ori(inal check"

+ours truly,


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