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Follow Up To Phone Call When Customer Not In

(your name, street

city, street, zip)
city, state, zip)

ear ____ (name)!
The other day our representati"e, ____ (name) called you when you were out#
There$ore, he has as%ed that we write you to &o o"er se"eral important points
discussed in the meetin& o$ _______, l'__ (date)#
(ince our )usiness opened _____ (time) a&o, we ha"e learned that it was not enou&h
*ust to $urnish +uality _______ (%ind o$ products)# No matter how &ood the products,
they will not )e relia)le unless they are used properly# There$ore, our products are
sold with a &uarantee that one o$ our associates will )e a"aila)le $or ad"ise and
instruction as you need it#
For e,ample, _____ (name o$ representati"e) has )een with us $or o"er ____
(time period)# -e is "ery conscientious and will $ollow throu&h whene"er you need
his help# Placin& an order with _____ (company) assures you o$ +uality products as
well as care$ul instructions and maintenance o$ the products#

.ours truly,


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