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Bev Menke

9/15/14 MONDAY
SIOP Lesson Plan
Grade/Class/Subject: Period 1 Intermediate Level C
Key Vocabulary: create, evil, experiment, scientist, creature
HOTS: What is fantasy writing?
Thematic Topic: Unit 4: Creepy Classics
Standards: (per CCSS) RL2, RL3, RL4, L1
Visuals/Resources/Supplementary Materials: Text, document
projector, graphic organizer Describe,, emotional
response chart
Connections to Prior Knowledge/Building Background:
1. JOURNAL: WRITE: Fantasy is one kind of fiction writing. Writers of fantasy create magical or unreal characters and
events to make fantastic, imaginary worlds.
2. We talked about our own creaturessetting/character on Friday.
Content Objective(s):
1. Visualize when reading descriptive

Meaningful Activities/Lesson Sequence:
1.1 pg. 210, READ preview
Frankenstein (Selection
Summary/Background) Frankenstein 1931 trailer first
30 seconds

1.1 GO Describe, WRITE 1-3

Language Objective(s):
1. Identify reactions from descriptive

Meaningful Activities/Lesson Sequence:
1.1 pg. 212, Letterconnect to previous
letter, describes characters/setting. Read
and visualize as reading.
1.2 Emotional Response Chart (pg. 210).

1.1 GO Describe, WRITE 4
1.2 Discuss in group, write on chart.
Wrap-Up/Closure: Frankenstein classic novel by Mary Shelley, descriptions make us feel, we use adjectives to describe those

Additional Features:
*Emotional Response Chart

*Frankenstein Story Plotlarge sheet
Bev Menke
9/15/14 MONDAY

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