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Pride Leader

Chapter 51
Author: Mark J. Silva Jr
First Editor: Elvin Gan Kuan Leng
Guest Author: Andrea Moen-Reinhatdt

Vulcan, Can I have a moment of your time?

Violet my dear, I though I would never see you in my forge.

Well, its a tad too warm for me, but Ive come to ask you a favor.

A favor you say. What is this favor you wish my little Violet?

A sword, I like you to make one as a gift.

A Sword! You want one made? For who?

Its a gift for Mark. One made to a design from earth.

For Mark? He wields the sword of justice, hidden the sword of death. Why would he need another one?

Yes he does, but he will never use the sword of death, And Justice is his only until anothers need for it is
greater. If you have ever seen him fight, a broadsword isnt fitting for him.

Do you have a parchment of this sword you want made?

Violet passes Vulcan the printout of the sword Heather drew. As Vulcan looks it over a smile forms on
his scared face.

This is a nasty weapon Violet. Besides the shape, is there a metal you wanted used?

Yes, soul steel. This will be his sword of the innocents.

Vulcan is shocked, Soul steel, a metal made from a soul, and this one has to be of an innocent soul.

Thats a mighty request Violet. I will go and ask Death for one. If there are no problems it should take a
day to make. Your Liege has left my forges with more then enough divine to use for a long time. I will
make it.


Mark walks into his office, down by the fact that he has even more paperwork piled on his desk.
Thinking does it ever end.

Sitting there his mind wonders. Thinking of how much fun he had with most of the females he knows,
and of playing with the kits, then a passing thought that Fyyf should be having her pups any day. Then a
passing though of Heather with baby bunnies. He laughs at the thought. Well enough daydreaming.
Time to get back to work.


MO!! Wait Up for me!

Whats going on Lisa?

I heard you were heading for the gym. Are you going to go and work out or watch Mark work out?

A little of both. Would you like to join me?

May I?! I get so bored. You know he wont allow me on this deck unless Im with a guard or one of you.

You know hes just looking out for you. He doesnt want to see something happen to you.

I know, but he treats me like a kit at times.

Well Lisa, you are young. Just think how Tina feels at times.

She gets to move about freely. Im not allowed to.

You havent noticed, she had at least two guards at all times now. She cant leave the deck with the kits
unless there is a guard with her. Heck, most of the servants arent allowed to leave the quarters.

I still dont like it. He treats me like a queen. But I cant wonder around on my own.

You are a queen. Just remember he does it because he loves you.


Vulcan pulls the sword out of the quench. A master piece. Black with gold and silver inlays, and the one
thing that sticks out the most, two eyes, they shift colors and track everything insight, judging what they
see. The eyes of innocent souls, yes souls, Death had a surprises when Vulcan asked about a soul for his
steel. Once he told him what and who its was being made for, Death went and found one billion true
innocents souls who volunteered to become the steel for this gods sword. Vulcans most powerful
sword ever made. One with so much raw power that only one god can ever wield it in anger.


Hey Saaaa over here!

Hey Lisa, enjoying the show?

Oh yes, just watching him move, its so graceful. I just love watching him move.

I can see why. Just his build make me hot <Slap><Oww!> Why you do that?!

No drooling over him. Hehehehe, thats my job!

What you dont share?

I have to, He would kill me if I was the only one. I would never be able to recover from him every nite.

So he wears you out. That sounds like fun.

He does more than that, when he done all you can feel is his love for you.

Well, I dont know about love, but I really could use some attention.


The Following was written and submitted by
Andrea Moen-Reinhardt

The Meeting

Blaze woke to someone shaking her. Come on sleepy head time to get up. Said Sun.

What time is it? Blaze said as she throws her legs out over the side of the bed.

Its about 0800. You need to get up and washed. You have an appointment with his Sire for lunch.

I do? Oh goddess, thats not what I want. I just want to be a warrior not a breeder. Cant that asshole
understand that? Blaze cried.

Sun was shocked. Blaze youre not going to him as a breeder. And what asshole are you talking about?

Dont you know? Its my father. Wants to breed me to his Sire but I dont want that. Ive worked so
hard. How did he do it? How did he manage Blaze let the tears role down her mussel as she cried and
curled up into a ball.

Sun was shocked. Tesss didnt say anything about this. Flee walked in and saw the confusion. Sun
havent you gotten Blaze up yet. Tesss wants her hand-to-hand skills tested before the lunch meeting.
Sun what is it?

Tesss is going to get his tail broken for this. Then Sun looked at her friend. I think Tesss left out some
important parts or expected Blaze to fill us in. Sun turned to Blaze and stroked her back. Blaze. We can
tell you that you are not going to meet his Sire in his private dinning hall. Hes having an informal
gathering in the Alpha Guards mess; several of his wives will be there as well as a lot of his children.
Your squad will be with you. Tesss thought it might be good to test you. So we wanted to get to our gym
and still have time to get cleaned up for lunch.

His Sire will not hurt you or even touch you if you dont want. Tesss must have been impressed by
something if he took it to the King. Added Flee.

Blaze was stunned. Im not being taken to him for

No, most likely its because of what you did in the battle. Look you get up, get dressed and go with Flee
and Ill go find out whats to go on with this meeting. Your squad is meeting you down at the lift when
its time, then were to take all of you to the gym. Itll be alright, youll see. Finished Sun.

Blaze looked at the two wolves and realized she was being silly and that was not how a warrior was to
act. Blaze sat up. Im sorry for that. With what my father has already tried I just could see him doing it.
Give me a moment to take care of a few things and we can go work out.

* * *

Marks workout had just ended when he heard the noise of what had to be thousands of beings coming
down the hall. But when the doors to the gym opened he saw nothing but a few dozen of his children,
their care givers, guards, servants and wives. The moment the kits and pups saw Mark it was a mad
house. Dadddddy!!!! Just about all yelled and ran after and tackled Mark.

His wives loved watching him play with the kits and pups. Mark was nothing but a big kit himself but
they loved him. As he ran with the kids chasing him he would duck behind one wife or a maiden or
servant give her a kiss then run to hide behind another and do the same thing until he had gotten all of
them at least three times. It was all really silly. After about an hour of this the little ones were slowing
down and so was Mark. He was saved however as little tables and little chairs were brought in for the
little ones and a few bigger chairs for the others. Mark chose at times like this to just sit on the floor.

It was about this time that he expected Tesss for his meeting and he wasnt disappointed. Mark was
shocked to see that Tesss was leading Sun and Flee as well was what looked like a fighter squad. The
leader was what caught his attention the most she couldnt have been more than 12.

As Tesss came to the small table he bowed. Your lunch meeting my King. This is something unusual and
it needed to be brought to you.

Of course my friend. Why dont you introduce them to me and they can join us for lunch.

Sire, May I present Blaze Squadron. This is Blaze the group leader. Next is Lieutenant Exxnar, then we
have Master Sergeant Tanner and finally we have Sergeants Bax and Grove. As Tesss had been naming
them off each came forward and knelt. There has been a petition on behalf of Blaze to ask for a
sponsor and allowed to hold a rank. But there are a few things that are in question and a tale to tell.
Tesss finished. Blaze was surprised but then it really was the only way.

Im very curious as to this tale. And to the fact that a kit has a name as well leading a squadron such as
this. Mark replied. Tesss who was the one that made the petition.

Lieutenant Exxnar and Master Sergeant Tanner. Answered Tesss.

Lieutenant, Sergeant, Please come forward. Both cats stood and stepped closer, came to attention
and saluted.

Mark, returned the salute then smiled. Please tell me the reason for the petition?

Sire, for the last several years I have worked with Blaze, training her, helping her. I could see in her
something that with the right encouragement would make her one of the best warrior in the fleet.
Exxnar started. She was 8 or near there and was too good at getting out of the nursery. After she was
caught a few times the nannies gave up because they always found her in the gym or in the flight school
simulators. Two years ago as she worked hard to gain a new level in the sims she she was good even
then. One of the techs said something about her blazing the way. About a week later when she came
in she asked us all to call her Blaze. It stuck. Exxnar paused.

Blaze had not just been working in the sims. She was also training in the gym with some of us. By the
time she named herself she had mastered several styles and could take down about half her instructors.
And that included me. Tanner added.

On the day of the battle Sire as you know it was bad out there. When I hear Blaze on that comm. I
wanted to roar. I had three fighters on my tail and I couldnt get them off. I have never seen some of the
maneuvers she did. I didnt think the ship could take it. One moment shes facing one way then the next
shes flipping the fighter upside down, still going in the same direction mind you, fires then flips back to
pick another target. Some of the things she did I watched her do in the sims but nothing at the speeds
we were doing. Stated Exxnar

I was the next she saved. Hell I thought she was firing at me for a moment. I came around and took
position opposite her wing man and once I knew who it was that had saved me I changed call and be
came #3. Inserted Tanner.

We found Sergeant Bax and Sergeant Grove just before we found the refueler. It was hiding up against
part of another ship. Blaze had us refuel first as she knew we had been flying for longer. The whole time
still flying circles around us and taking out targets.

We know all of this in the flight logs and the note from our debriefing but this had to be told so you
could know who Blaze is. When we were about to land Blaze confided that there could be trouble for
her both as a civilian and with her father. Hes a manipulating, scheming cat that is bent on gaining as
much power as he can. Tanner stopped and quickly looked at Blaze. She was still kneeling, waiting for
what ever was to come. Tanner looked at Exxnar next and silently agreed.

Sire to tell you about her father I think you should hear it from Blaze. And both cats stepped back.

Mark had watched the exchange and the child as the males explained the battle. He didnt need
empathy to feel the happiness that went through her from the praise. As he looked at her for a moment
more he could also see that she was trembling slightly.

Blaze, Come forward. He said gently. As she stood to come forward a small kit crawled into Marks lap,
stuffed her paw into her mouth and went to sleep. Several of the others saw this including Exxnar and
Tanner who smiled warmly. Then looked at Blaze with that same smile.

Blaze stopped and saluted just like her men. Mark returned it. Blaze will you tell me how you ended up
in a fighter in the first place?

Blaze swallowed. This was where her father would get what he has coming to him. My father had just
informed me that he was sending me to you, Sire; as a breeder. I am at this time not wishing to to
follow that path. We had quite the yelling match about it. In the end I should have known it was an
unfair match. I was tagged from behind with a hypo. I woke in a cargo hold of a shuttle. It was a rather
rude awakening as after I started to come to the stasis pod I was in expelled me when it was sent
tumbling over. It took me two mins to get my bearings. The continued shaking of the ship is what finally
did it. I checked the cockpit but there was no one and the power was off line.

When I opened the shuttle door I found out why the ship was shaking. We were under attack. There was
a larger blast hole in the side of the bay that had an emergency shield in place. I looked around for the
crew but saw no one, alive that is. Then I heard the warning to evac the shuttle bay because the power
was failing. I thought of just taking the shuttle but I would have been a sitting duck. I looked around the
bay. Thats when I saw an old saber fighter half out of its cradle. I ran to a control console and prayed
the power was working enough for the crane to get the fighter down. While it was doing that I changed
into a flight suit. The crane did fail but not until the fighter was near to the floor that it would cause not
harm. I wasted no time as the warning said there was only about a minute left and the shield would fail
and vent the bay again. I had the preflight done when it did. I knew I didnt have the codes to get the
bay doors open so I enlarged the hole in the side of the bay and took off. The rest you know.

The child before Mark still shivered slightly and looked ready to faint but she had kept it out of her voice
very well. Mark was beginning to see why the males wanted to give her a rank and were willing to be
her squad. The two that had stayed quiet watched Blaze and everyone else in the room as if expecting
some one to try and take her from them. He was also becoming agitated at what he had heard but was
keeping a tight hold on it both because he didnt want to scare Blaze and because of the kit in his lap.
But before he could say any thing SsErcace spoke.

Child, Blaze I want you to know that you are safe here. What you have done is both commendable and
honorable. When I was contacted by your father for breeding he told me that he was sending you in
stasis because you had been suffering a prolonged heat. I thought this strange. He recommended I not
revive you until Mark was with you; Again strange. I had intended to have you awakened in medical and
have you checked out. Weve seen too many individuals come to us that have been altered. When you
came aboard with these males and was taken to medical I demanded to know why. The staff told me
that you and your team had requested to be checked out incase you had been tampered with and that
you werent sure if all of the Pintac was out of your system. There was some traces of it and that was the
reason for the antidote. She paused and looked at the child. She was tall for being a puma as well as
having very well defined muscles. SsErcace also knew that the child worked hard to keep herself that
way. But the fear that SsErcace could see was holding her back.

Blaze are you scared?

Blaze looked at her for a moment then lowered her head in shame, Yes, I cant seem to shake it. I
havent been this scared Its not right for a warrior to be scared. Im sorry.

Blaze if youre not scared I would have been wondering if you were alright. Fear is what helps us stay
sharp. Exxnar said before he could stop himself. He looked his Sire for further permission. Mark knew
what the cat was doing and nodded.

Blaze, no matter what is decided here your father will never have control of you. He cant hurt you in
any way. And if he does he has us to deal with. Yes youre young. You still need some training. But
youre a better pilot then I am and Ive been doing this for years.

Blaze, Grove said as he stood and moved next to her. You are a Blaze when it comes to facing an
enemy. Dont let this enemy get to you. Flame his ass and be done with it.

Blaze looked around and saw Tanner and Bax nodding there heads in agreement. Blaze knew then that
they were right and with a shake she let it go.

Well Im glad thats taken care of. I do have a problem with this situation I cant give some one so
young a rank thats too high. Mark stated then looked around. For now Ensign Blaze I think you need
to work to become a good team. I also cant see placing you in the same barracks as your team.

Mark, you have several all female fighter wings. And they have their own area. Ensign Blaze could be
quartered with them. Interrupted SsErcace.

That would work. Tesss I would like a conference with Duke Ness in the main hall tomorrow. I will make
the final decision then. Also inform command that Blaze squadron is available to fly patrols and help
with clean up.

Very good Sire. With your permission I will have them contact the original bases for these and inform
them of the change as well.

Good. Thanks Tesss. Tesss smiled, turned and left. Now we are supposed to be having lunch. So sit
where you can and dig in if theres any left that the kits and pups havent finished off.



Walking among the furnaces and forges of Vulcans realm are two being, one the goddess Violet, the
other a mortal Heather. Vulcan has called Violet to let her know the sword is ready.

Violet, you bring a friend.

Vulcan, this is Heather, shes the one who designed the sword you made.

So this little bunny designed the wonderful sword I made. Well little one, It is a wonderful design. Your
liege will enjoy it.

Thank you for making it God Vulcan.

Vulcan reaches over to the forge that the sword is sitting on. As he brings it in to view, they are amazed
in how alive the sword looks.

WoW, You out did yourself. Did you have any problem getting the soul steel?

Not at all. In fact I have more than one soul in it.

Soul? What do you mean souls?

The sword has living souls that make up the steel.

This one has a billion souls, all innocent souls, Death almost has a riot on his hands when he asked for a
volunteer. Mark has lots of loving friends in the after life.

There are eyes on it!? And theyre staring at me!

Yes, they see and judge all.



God of Gods:
Calm down Mark, You cant hold him. Hes an elder, its not your place to imprison him.

Mark eyes are glowing, his temper shot, all his work and now he being told to release the demon lord.
Not even being allowed to question his captive.

No way in hell am I just releasing him. He is going to answer my questions and he will stay until I decide
he leaves.

God of Gods:
Listen to me child, I gave you a <BLAM!!!> <CRACK!!!>


God of Gods lays there, never in history had another laid a hand on him, now he facing a god who has no
restraint. One whos powers are growing by the hour. And one whos capable of striking down another
god. He cant let him win this argument.
Mark, You have to listen, you have to <BOOM!!>

You thick headed asshole, You want to argue with me! IM going to beat some respect in to you!
<CRACK!!> <BLAM!!>

Joy, Rose, Star, Violet, Strike, and Love appear to fathers call for help.


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