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Pride Leader

Chapter 52
Author: Mark J. Silva Jr
First Editor: Elvin Gan Kuan Leng

Fact, No one fights an Elder God and no one take notice, that deep in the Mist, very deep four Gods
awaken, theyre called enforcers. Their job in the past were to keep lesser and lower gods in-line, now
that they have been awaken once more, not to enforce the laws, but to protect Father. Something they
have never had to do before. They wonder why would he need protection from a lower god?

As they try to enter a new realm, they find a wall. One they have never seen before. Harden to
invasions. Impassable without a blessing, they hear Fathers screams. He is in a panic, something very
wrong is going on, so they pound, trying to beat there way in.


The Goddesses confront Mark, they surround him, cutting him off from reaching Father. They can see
the rage in his eyes.

Mark, look at us, you need to calm down. He is not your enemy.

Please Mark, What happened? Why are you beating on him?

Star is now at Fathers side, hes in bad shape, one wing broken, an eye swollen shut. This was not a fight
for him to get into. Star starts working some healing on him.

Mark feels someone trying to force their way into his private realm. He turns to face Joy and makes eye
contact. The rage fades. He now hears the Goddesses talking to him.

Im okay now ladies, someone is trying to force their way in. Step back so I can let them in and see what
they want.

Joy, Rose and Violet look at him, seeing the rage gone and not having a clue who would try to force their
way in. They step back.

Mark lets the Gods enter suddenly standing around him, four twenty foot tall Gods stand. And strike as
one. Father must be protected and this unknown god must be punished.

The Goddesses gasp at the sight of the enforcers here. And watch in horror as they crush Marks body
like a bug. There was no way for him to move and avoid the attack.

The realm shudders. The force that is part of Marks realm reacts to the attack. One enforcer in smashed
flat, another torn to ribbons. The other turned to stone and the last tries to flee, he is trapped, now
shifted and trapped into a crystal ball. Lying on the ground is Marks body, badly hurt, but still alive. Joy
runs to him, put his head on her lap and cries. Marks punishment was swift and sever. As requested
awhile back she removes a dagger from Marks belt. Violet, Love, and Rose stand there in shock, as they
watch Joy plunge the dagger thru Marks beating heart. He convulses as his body reacts to the blade
invading his heart. Marks eyes open and he looks right at Joy.

Laying there Mark says very softly:
Thank you.


Star, how is he doing?

Father is going to be just fine, Mother, why was he here?

Mother Nature:
I dont know child, I didnt know he was here until I heard his call for help.

Have you gone to see Mark?

Mother Nature:
I did, he is sleeping now. Two of the enforcers are recovering, the other two have to wait for Mark to
release them. Tell me, what do you know.

Not much, like you, we responded to Fathers call for help. We had no clue what happened before we
got here, only that Mark was in full rage and Father was the target. We surrounded Mark and cut him
off from Father, Mother, Ill tell you this. Ive seen Mark fight before, he did use restraint. If Father
stayed down, or better left, I think Mark would have left him alone.

Mother Nature:
Fathers not use to being handle like this, he most likely thought he could let Mark win.

God of Gods:
Uggggg. What happened?

Mother Nature:
You picked a fight you couldnt win. Now tell me, Why were you here alone?

God of Gods:
He has never raised a hand at me before, I didnt think he would now.

What did you say to him?

God of Gods:
I told him to release the demon lord.

Mother Nature:
You ordered him to, damn it father, how stupid are you. Mark will never take an order from any of us.
And you know better, You know how he reacts to orders from War.

I know he did not just right out and beat on you. What else happened?

God of Gods:
He struck me, and told me to leave. I de.

Mother Nature:
You got thick headed and argued more with him. What a stupid male.

Father, why was it so important for you to argue this? Marks not harming the Demon lord. He is only
seeking answers and a way to stop the war.

Mother Nature:
Now Father, what gives? Why would you interfere with Mark finding answers?

God of Gods:
Marks wrath, the wars wasnt started by the Douhed as he was told. He has been deceived as to all the

Star gasps, she just cant believe her ears, The Douhed didnt start the war? Then who did?
Father? Who started it?

God of Gods looks at both Goddesses, dreading the idea of this getting out.
I did.


Joy relax, he will wake when hes ready.

I dont like this. Why is he still asleep? He has a new body.

He took a beating, just give him some time, its not everyday someone get struck down by enforcers. It
most likely took a lot out of him.

Hes stirring.

Marks eyes open, and in a flash he is gone.

Hey!! Where is he going???!!!


Mark appears in a hall on Luna, his arms wrap around Fyyf and they vanish.


have you found out where she is?

Yes my Duke, She has been assigned billing in the females fighters wing.

Duke Ness:
Good Mulg. Go get her, I will take her myself to his Sire. She will do as she is told.

Sorry Duke, no one may enter the fighter squads billing that is not authorized to. I have no way to get in

Duke Ness:
That Kit is not getting away from me that easy.



Sire leave her with us, She will be ok.


No Buts Sire, Out!


Mark is in the hall pacing, listening to her scream. And panting. More screaming. And a tiny cry. Another
Pup. That is four so far. How much longer?


A door slides open and four guards enter the room. A Male Wolf speaks.

Duke Ness, we are here to escort you to his Sire.

Duke Ness:
Who do you think you are entering here without my invite!

Move now or I will have you moved Duke.

The Duke stares blankly at the Guards, Who do they think they are telling him what to do, He spies a
small puma behind them and they move aside for her.

Forgive them Duke, they are ordered to bring you. If you will please follow us we can get to the meeting.

Duke looks at the Puma, and notices shes branded as a Slave. How dare a slave even speak to him. He
reaches out to smack her muzzle shut. As his paw comes around a second wolf grabs him and slams him
to the deck.

Duke, I will only tell you once, striking his Sires servants is punishable by death! You will come with us,
either willingly or tied up. Your choice.


Marks sitting on the bed, Holding two of five pups, all as cute as their mother. And all very healthy.
Flower quietly enters the room.

Sire, its time for your meeting with Duke Ness.

Duke Ness? Ahh yes that will be Blazes father. Thank you Flower, I will be there shortly.

Okay Sire, Fyyf had some very fine pups. Very good breeding there.

Yes they are. And each one as pretty as there mother.


Mark sits in his Office, He heard the Duke will be a little late, something about a bad temper.

There you are, why did you vanish like that?

Sorry, when I woke, I felt Fyyf go into labor. She was alone in a hall. I went to her aid right away. Please
forgive me for leaving like that.

I can understand why you left. You do need to get back. You left two enforcers trapped. It would be a
good idea to release them.

Dont get me wrong my dear, but I was attacked by them.

Mark, they were

Doors open and Sabrina walks in with the guards carrying a hog tied Duke.

Let continue this later please Joy.

Okay Mark, but we will talk about this..

Sabrina reaches Marks desk and bow her head, behind her the guards drop the Duke to the deck like
trash and come to full attention.

At ease. Flee untie the Duke please.

Flee pulls her dagger out and proceeds to cut the binding off the Duke, once the gag is cut of he starts
mouthing off once more.

Duke Ness:

SHUT YOUR MUZZLE DUKE! I understand you tried to lay a hand on Sabrina here, how do you plea to
this crime?

Mark rises from behind his desk, the Dukes jaws drops at the sight of him. Never in his life has he seen
someone so large!

Answer me. How do you plea!

Duke Ness:
I committed no crime, how dare a slave speak to one of my rank!

Duke, and mind you I use that loosely, You came here claiming that you Daughter was a willing breeder,
that she was unaltered and in a natural heat. Did you not say this?

Duke Ness:
Yes I said that Sire. < The Duke stands there, shocked he just said that? >

Duke, do you know what I do to liars and kit abusers? Do you fully understand what is going to happen
to you in a minute?

The Duke stands there, a picture in his mind flashes back to the beating a Count received. He starts to
shake uncontrollably, his heart racing, hes trapped, four Wolf guards inside here, two more outside the
door, and a monster in front of him. He watches as Marks claws extend from his digits. Each one longer
than his paw. Each one shaper than a razor. The Dukes breath becomes excited, he hyperventilates and
drops like a rock as he passes out.

Mark bursts out laughing his tail off.


Mark is walking thru the halls of Luna conversing with Flower and they hear Rina yelling and pounding
on a door. Mark walks up to the door and slips right on his ass.

What the Fuck! < Feeling the deck he finds oil on it.> Luna, send a maintenance crew down here, there is
oil on the deck.

Dispatched Sire. I dont sense any form of a leak Sire.

Mark carefully gets back to his feet, tries to open the door and its welded shut. A wave of a paw and the
door vanishes. Rina jumps out of the closet into his arms.

Thank you thank you thank you, Ive been stuck in there for hours. The door wouldnt open.

Youre okay now, why were you in there?

I found a mess down here. I went in to get a broom. The door closed and sealed behind me.

Well youre safe now, lets go and get you back to the quarters.


Okay now Mark, you need to release the enforcers. Then we can talk about the demon lord.

I dont know about this. Theyre nice and quiet now. This one looks good in a ball.

Now Mark, they are not toys for you to play with. So please release them.

Mark sits there. Staring at the tiny God standing mad in the crystal ball, a thought and the ball vanishes,
so does the statue of the other God in a wisp of smoke.

What did you do!

Dont worry. I decided I didnt want them in here once there release. So I sent them out in the mist and
released them there.

Good, now lets talk about the demon Lord.

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