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Pride Leader

Chapter 55
Author: Mark J. Silva Jr
First Editor: Elvin Gan Kuan Leng

Plans, Plans, Plans, Tina been busy working on her plans, Marks been so over loaded with work and
other things, he needs a distraction. And her plans are the best she comes up with. Marks been busy in
his office all day, Avvul ship is an hour from docking, she is advised of Tinas plans. The staff have been
busy in the great hall, under the guise of a formal Dinner in Avvul honor, its been changed. And the Staff
has been told not to tell anyone.


Luna Actual to Heaver Cruiser DST Domoleise. You are cleared for Port docking at airlock Bravo seven.

Heaver Cruiser DST Domoleise Actual to His Sire Flag Luna, We have the airlocks beacon. ETA to docking
is 2 minutes.


SsErcace stands at the Airlock, waiting for it to cycle and open. Shes excited, her mother is here, its
been so long since she been about to see and hold her mother, standing beside her is Luna, shes also
excited to see her Mother. The large 2 ton airlock blast doors split and open, standing there is Avvul,
smiling as she sees her two daughters. Its just been too many long years not to have held them. They all
run up to each other and form a mass hug.

SsErcace, Luna, its been way to long. How are you two doing?

I am doing great mother. I have missed you.

Im well. Just very busy.

So SsErcace, when do you plan on bearing me some grandkits?

SsErcace stands there like a kit caught with her paw in a cookie jar:
Mother Mark doesnt know yet, but should be in three months.

Why havent you told him? And where is he?

Weve been keeping him as busy as possible so he cant find out about the party.

And I havent told him because I dont want to be locked down like Tina and Fyyf were. He can be way
over protective at times.

So has anyone a clue how old he is anyway?

There was no data on it in any files I have.

With his memories gone he has no clue. We dont even know when he would have a birthday, and not
knowing his age, we can only guess.

So what is the guess? I like to have an idea before the party.

Well the best we can make, is hes thirteen, maybe fourteen.

Okay, so lets get to the party, I cant wait to meet him.


<SMASH> Damn, what types of asshole on the fucking Broouj!! Luna, Open a comm to Krellels please.

Comms open Sire.

Sire you buzzed?

Yes Krellels, I want the captain of the Broouj in my office first thing in the morning. And find the Broouj a
new captain. Shes going to need one.

Sire, whats the problem?

That fool has lost nine scouts and six hundred fighters. His ship is a mess and he misplaced his XO. How
the hell do you do that? It took me two minutes to find the XO and he still hasnt found him.

Krellels: He lost his XO? Where is the XO?

Hes right here, that dumb ass sent him with a request for replacement fighters.

Sire, I know this is a stupid question, but what is the big deal of loosing all those fighters, we were in

If he did loose them in combat, Id say no problem, but thats not what happened.. He lost them when
he had them sent outside his ship to clean the bays, he lost six hundred pilots and fighters because he
forgot them and jumped back in system! <CRACK!> Damn. Now I need a new desk!


<crack!> mumble mumble mumble:
Tesss cringes as he hears another desk split, His Sire has been in a piss poor mood all day. And what
ever this Major brought to him hasnt made it any better. The Doors slide open and the Major steps out.

Major Qiullo:
His Sires in a very bad mood.

Did he break the desk?

Major Qiullo:
Break it, thats an understatement, He split that desk right in half!

Its going to be a long day.


Heather, are you coming to the party?

What party?

Marks, we are going to have a birthday party for him.

Its his birthday?! Ohh I have to see this. What has he set up for himself?

Nothing, he doesnt know.

How could he not know its his birthday?

Because no one knows, so Tina picked today.

Part of his memory loss?

Yeah, he does have a big hole where his past is concern. We dont even know how old he really is, so we
guessed and decided he must at least be 13.

Heather stands there, her eyes open wide, then suddenly she burst out laughing, Ioi looks at her
wondering whats so funny and Heather just keeps laughing. After a few moments Heather regains

Whats so funny?

Ive seen his intake files when you first found him. And from the Holopics, he was almost an adult. If not
a young one.

So he fourteen?

Oh no, a human adult is at least seventeen to eighteen.

Oh my! He really is much older than I would have guessed.

Lets tell Tina so she can fix it.

Its too late, everything is already. Heather, dont tell anyone, There is a major difference from ascension
to seventeen. He never been thru it and this is needed by the people.

I really think it funny, but its no big deal in his case. Tell me then, how old do I look?

You? I would guess ten. Maybe eleven. Why?

Never mind, just a thought.


Outside Marks office an hour later.

Tesss, Can you ask Mark if I can see him?

Tesss looks down at the little bunny and smiles, she cant stand still and smell like shes ready to play,
just what his Sire needs right now.
Give me a moment Heather, I believe hes alone.

I so hope so.

Tesss opens the doors and asks quickly.
Sire, Lady Heather is here to see you if you have a minute.

Oh? Ahh Yes please send her in Tesss.

Tesss turns around and fully opens the door, He will see you my Lady

Thank you, Tesss.

Heather slips in, smiling and planning.

Hello Love, how my I help you?

Heather slips off her dress and smiles. A longing look in her eyes.
I need some attention badly, and Im hoping you can help me with it.


Screams and moans of joy, Squealing and yelling, Yeap Heather is good for his Sirea mood Tesss thinks.
He was starting to wonder if she was going to drop in today, normally he sees her come by for a visit at
least twice a day. But this is the first time today. And by the sounds of it, shes making up for missing


Heather peeks her head out, smiling at Tesss, she heads down the hall as she rounds a corner Joy
snatches her and brings her into the mist.

I see you are adjusting to your new life.

Oh yes! As long as I do as my body needs I feel great and can get a lot done.

Thats good. I overheard there is going to be a party later for Mark.

Yeap, its going to be a birthday party. IM so going to have some fun, I hear there is going to be dancing.

Good < Joy pulls out a small gem and shows it to Heather > Do me a favor, give this to Mark, You can use
it as your gift.

Heather looks questionly at Joy:
What does it do?

Its a gift, one from me, but thru you, dont worry, it wont harm anyone at all.

Okay, but I want to know later.

You will, and you most likely will enjoy it.

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