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Fairhurst Colloquium

October 15-16, 2004

Civil Engineering Civil Engineering
The Department of The Department of
Fairhurst Colloquium
October 15-16, 2004
Civil Engineering Civil Engineering
The Department of The Department of
Charles Fairhurst
Professor Emeritus
Department of Civil Engineering
University of Minnesota
A native of England, Charles Fairhurst received a Ph.D. in mining
engineering from Sheffield University in 1955. He moved to the United
States in 1956 to take up a position as a Research Associate in the School
of Mines at the University of Minnesota. Through a sequence of
promotions, he became a full professor in 1965 and was appointed Head
of the School of Mineral and Metallurgical Engineering from 1968 to
1970. From 1972 to 1987, he was Head of the Department of Civil and
Mineral Engineering.
Professor Fairhurst has received numerous awards and distinctions
during his professional career, including: Member of the Royal Swedish
Academy of Engineering Sciences (1979); Theodore W. Bennett Professor
of Mining Engineering and Rock Mechanics (1988-97); Member of the
U.S. National Academy of Engineering (1991); President of the
International Society for Rock Mechanics (1991-1995); and honorary
doctorates from the Mining Academy and Technical University of St.
Petersburg, Russia (1993), the National Polytechnical Institute of
Lorraine, France (1996), his alma mater, Sheffield University (1997), and
the University of Minnesota (2000).
In the 1960s and 1970s, Professor Fairhurst was a driving force
behind the establishment of rock mechanics as a recognized engineering
discipline. He was one of the founders of the International Society for
Rock Mechanics (ISRM), which was established in 1962, and which now
has a membership of about 5000 individuals. He held various leadership
positions in that field, most notably the presidency of ISRM from 1991 to
Through the leadership of Charles Fairhurst, the University of
Minnesota became one of the leading research centers in rock mechanics,
worldwide, and the birthplace of several important innovations that
have revolutionized the field of rock mechanics, including: hydraulic
fracturing as a technique for measuring stresses at great depth;
determination of the post-peak failure response of rocks using servo-
controlled testing machines; computer methods to predict the stability of
deep mines; and the distinct element method to model the behavior of
blocky rock masses.
His work over 40 years spans nearly all aspects of rock mechanics
and rock engineering: drilling, laboratory testing, mechanical
excavation, comminution, stress measurement, stability of underground
openings, design of tunnel supports, rock reinforcement, and
underground storage of radioactive waste. In more than 150
publications, he consistently emphasized the need for rigorous
application of the principles of mechanics to rock engineering.
From countless trips around the world, where he was invited to give
lectures, sit on review panels, or consult, he brought a continual supply
of international students and scholars to Minnesota. He was an advisor
and mentor to 23 Ph.D. and over 30 M.S. students, and instilled in them
all an appreciation for innovative research. These former graduate
students, many of whom hold faculty positions in the U.S. and abroad,
are known collectively in the rock mechanics community as the
Minnesota Mafia, with Charles Fairhurst as its godfather.
We, his former students, friends, and colleagues, express our
appreciation for the role he has played in our intellectual lives, and for
the important contributions he has made in the field of rock mechanics
during his distinguished career.
in situ
Fairhurst Colloquium
Fairhurst Colloquium
October 15 - 16, 2004
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Main Venue: 3-180 Electrical Engineering/Computer Science Building
Civil Engineering Building
Friday, October 15
Registration: 12:30 - 1:30 p.m.
Opening: 1:30 - 2:00 p.m.
Session 1a: 2:00 - 3:30 p.m.
Break: 3:30 - 4:00 p.m.
Session 1b: 4:00 - 5:30 p.m.
Reception & Open House: 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Steve Crouch, Associate Dean, Institute of Technology
University of Minnesota
Ted Davis, Dean, Institute of Technology, University of Minnesota
John Gulliver, Head, Department of Civil Engineering,
University of Minnesota
Peter Cundall, Itasca Consulting Group, USA
Wolfgang Wawersik, Sandia National Laboratories (retired), USA
John Hudson, Imperial College and Rock Engineering Consultants, UK
William Pariseau, University of Utah, USA
Numerical Modeling of Rock a Minnesota Emphasis
on Discrete and Unstable Systems
Experimental Rock Mechanics Objectives, Developments, and Challenges,
Small Rock Specimens to Large Rock Volumes: from Servo-Controlled Testing
Machines to Radioactive Waste Disposal
Mechanics of Jointed Rock Masses
Saturday, October 16
Session 2a: 9:00 - 10:30 a.m.
Break: 10:30 - 11:00 a.m.
Session 2b: 11:00 - 12:30 p.m.
Lunch: 12:30 -2:00 p.m.
Session 3a: 2:00 - 3:30 p.m.
Break: 3:30 - 4:00 p.m.
Session 3b: 4:00 - 5:30 p.m.
Closing: 5:30 - 6:00 p.m.
Reception: 6:00-6:45 p.m.
Banquet: 7:00 - 10:00p.m.
Leonid Germanovitch, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Paul Young, University of Toronto, Canada
Michael Hardy, Agapito Associates, Inc., Grand Junction, USA
Barry Brady, University of Western Australia, Australia
Bezalel Haimson, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Franois Cornet, Institut de Physique du Globe, France
Fritz Rummel, Ruhr Universitt Bochum and MeSy Geo-Mess-Systeme
GmbH, Germany
Yoshiaki Mizuta, Sojo University, Japan
Charles Fairhurst, University of Minnesota
Jean-Claude Roegiers, The University of Oklahoma
Fracture Processes on Asteroids in the Solar System
Geophysical Imaging of Rock Fracture and Damage
From Analogues to Numerical Models and Application
to Deep Coal Mining,
Stability of Underground Excavations
Advances in the Field of In Situ Stress Measurements
From Hydraulic Fracturing to In Situ Characterization
of Rock Masses Rheological Characteristics
Hydraulic Fracture Stimulation and Crustal Stress
Has a Reliable Method for Stress Determination at Depth Been Developed?
The Future of Rock Mechanics
The Godfather
3-179 Electrical Engineering/Computer Science Building
Johnson Great Room, McNamara Alumni Center
Fairhurst Colloquium
The Twelve Keynotes
Fairhurst Colloquium The Twelve Keynotes
Numerical Modeling of Rock a Minnesota Emphasis on Discrete
and Unstable Systems
Dr. Peter Cundall
Itasca Consulting Group, USA
The University of Minnesota became renowned internationally as a
leading center for Rock Mechanics due largely to the efforts of Charles
Fairhurst. He has always insisted on a thorough and verifiable
understanding of basic mechanisms, and has promoted the best
techniques for doing the job, including theoretical, numerical, analog and
physical modeling. In recognition of some of the unique characteristics of
rock, Dr. Fairhurst encouraged, over many years, the development and
application of discrete numerical models and explicit dynamic methods.
Thus, the distinct element method (DEM) is able to express the
discontinuous nature of rock masses, as well as the tendency for rock
structures to exhibit instability and collapse. In recent years, Dr.
Fairhurst has also promoted the use of the DEM using bonded particle
assemblies to model the fracture process itself; this endeavor recalls
his work, over thirty years ago, on the unique nature of fracturing in
rock (e.g., parallel cracks). This talk will cover these topics, as well as
present significant past and present DEM applications.
Fairhurst Colloquium
Experimental Rock Mechanics Objectives, Developments, and Challenges
in situ
Sandia National Laboratories (retired), USA
Numerical methods have made it possible to reduce the number of
essential rock mechanics experiments and to improve their design, but
they cannot replace them. Experiments, regardless of scale, provide the
physical observations and measurements that tie geomechanics analyses
and predictions to reality.
Experimental rock mechanics as we know it now entails laboratory,
bench scale, and field experiments with four major objectives: (1) identify
and model the mechanisms and processes that govern rock behavior, (2)
develop constitutive models for rock response from the microscale to the
field-scale, (3) develop, test, calibrate, and correlate methods used to
determine rock properties and boundary conditions, and (4) validate
numerical design procedures. Charles Fairhurst's pioneering influence
on these objectives is reflected in early experimental accomplishments in
drilling, blasting, mine-pillar design, and stress measurements.
However, even more important is Fairhurst's impact through his role in
supporting numerical computational methods, which have provided the
means to acknowledge the true complexity of geologic systems. They
also have pushed experimental rock mechanics beyond measuring elastic
constants, strength, brittle-ductile transition, and relatively few other
material properties of competent rock some 50 years ago. I will highlight
these changes by summarizing important experimental developments
since the mid-1960s such as: servo-controlled rock testing; shock-wave
loadings to understand mineral properties and weapons effects at very
high pressures; determinations of the mechanical and hydrological
properties of discrete fractures; AE monitoring of damage evolution and
the formation of shear and compaction bands; the use of ultrasonics to
Dr. Wolfgang Wawersik
The Twelve Keynotes
evaluate the effect of grain-scale properties on bulk properties of porous
rocks; confocal microscopy to measure grain and pore geometries
underlying discrete element and Lattice-Boltzman modeling; model tests
to follow rock mass deformations and the evolution of fracture networks;
developments in true triaxial rock testing; optical data processing to
describe rubble characteristics and the geometry of fracture systems;
geophysical measurements of rock and fracture properties ; and
experiments to validate boundary conditions and long-term
numerical design predictions. After discussing 3 or 4 of these examples,
I will point to challenges that exist in combining experimental and
computational rock mechanics to provide interpretations of geologic
phenomena and engineering predictions efficiently and with defined
bounds of uncertainty.
in situ in
Fairhurst Colloquium
Small Rock Specimens to Large Rock Volumes: From Servo-Controlled Testing
Machines to Radioactive Waste Disposal
in situ
Imperial College and Rock Engineering Consultants, UK
Obtaining the complete stress-strain curve for intact rock was actively
promoted by Charles Fairhurst in the 1960s. This led directly to the use
of servo-controlled testing of rock specimens at the University of
Minnesota and the ability to control the failure of rock under any quasi-
static conditions. Charles also subsequently promoted numerical
methods which, in turn, have allowed computer simulation of real
loading or servo-controlled testing with the ability to study in detail
the structural breakdown of rock subjected to different loading
conditions. We now compare rock failure as observed directly in the
laboratory and as simulated numerically for many geometrical and
loading circumstances. Although this comparison can be undertaken for
small specimens, it is not so easy for cases, as is required, for
example, when modeling the rock mass hosting a radioactive waste
repository. A test case involving the estimation of rock mass properties
at the sp Hard Rock Laboratory in Sweden is given as an example of
current abilities and the future requirements.
Prof. John A Hudson
The Twelve Keynotes
Mechanics of Jointed Rock Masses
University of Utah, USA
In the early days, ca. 1960, everyone knew from extensive laboratory
experimentation that rock was a brittle material. Failure occurred by fast
fracture, and that was the end of the story until stiff testing machines
were used to slow the fracture process. Fracture mechanics was the
route to progress in rock mechanics. Everyone also knew that natural
rock masses were already fractured prior to excavation. The limit to
elasticity was just the beginning of the story. What to do about the joints
was the central question. Plasticity provided a ready theory for going
beyond the limits to elasticity and was a contrarian view at the time, but
with the advent of the computer and the finite element method, became
widely accepted. Although plasticity theory certainly suitable for
sand models of ore pass flows, where velocity discontinuities and
sliplines are manifest, sliplines in rock jointed rock masses were less
obvious, to say the least. Even with substitution of slip and separation
on joints for dislocation mechanisms, continuum plasticity applications
remain problematic, in my view. An equivalent properties description
coupled with influence functions provides a more rigorous and realistic
approach. Principles of this approach, which linked closely to the finite
element method, and applications are described in formulating one
response to the question of what to do about the joints. Other
approaches are possible, notably the distinct element method, also
pioneered in that wonderful environment of opportunity created at the
University of Minnesota by an outstanding Chairman, Professor E. P.
Pfleider, and his exceptional new hire, Professor C. Fairhust.
Prof. William G. Pariseau
Fairhurst Colloquium
Fracture Processes on Asteroids in the Solar System
Prof. Leonid Germanovitch
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Traditionally, asteroids are considered to be an important source of
information on the early Solar System. Because they pose a risk to life on
Earth, the defense against asteroids has become a popular media and
research topic. Geomechanical support of future landing missions is vital
for the characterization of landing surface topography and design of the
landing apparatus. The vast majority of data concerning asteroids has
been obtained via remote observations based on the assumed surface
properties, which are functions of former and ongoing geomechanical
processes. Yet there has been no or hardly any quantification and
mathematical treatment of the possible role of geomechanical processes
in the evolution of asteroids.
In this work, we incorporate principles of terrestrial geomechanics in the
framework of mechanical processes that occur on asteroids.
Geomechanical processes on terrestrial planets (i.e., Mercury, Venus,
Earth, Moon, and Mars) significantly are affected by such factors as
gravitation, tectonics, volcanism, and erosion, which are considered
absent or of no consequence on small extraterrestrial bodies. In essence,
asteroids represent the simplest geomechanical systems (no air, no
water, extremely low gravity, primitive rocks) and end-member case
with respect to conventional (terrestrial) geomechanics.
In this presentation, we discuss multi-scale fracture processes occurring
on asteroids. We propose that thermal stresses induced by the seasonal
periodic heating due to the motion of the asteroid around the Sun in
elliptical orbits coupled with short daily rotations around the axis of
inertia primarily are responsible for the disintegration of asteroid
material. This concept is appealing and seems to be rather robust
The Twelve Keynotes
because the asteroid temperature changes on various spatial and
temporal scales and independently of other possible factors, such as tidal
stresses, collisions, rotational spin-up, etc. Contrary to other mechanisms
suggested in the recent literature, the magnitude of induced thermal
stresses sufficiently exceeds the expected strength of the asteroid
The devised model also explains the mechanics of the formation of the
soil (regolith) on asteroids and how the soil formation changes the
surface topography. We suggest that the regolith/soil formation is an
ongoing process caused by thermal space weathering, which is an
effective means of erosion even in the airless, waterless, and low-gravity
The developed concepts are supported by the data on asteroid Eros
recently obtained from close distances by the NASA's NEAR-Shoemaker
Geophysical Imaging of Rock Fracture and Damage
Prof. R. Paul Young
University of Toronto, Canada
The study of rock fracture is important in understanding earthquakes
and also how microcracks contribute to reducing the strength and
changing the behaviour of critical engineering structures. It is also
relevant to understanding and predicting how fractures transport
groundwater, oil, gas and waste including toxic and radioactive waste.
Currently numerical computer models of rock fracture are so
sophisticated that we have numerous alternative methods of simulating
behaviour, but we are limited by a critical lack of controlled laboratory
and field data to prove which methods, and in what situations, the
computer predictions are valid. This is especially true when we consider
hydrological-thermal-mechanical behaviour of fractured rock as coupled
processes over extended timescales in three dimensions (3-D).
Geophysical imaging, analogous to medical imaging, but using seismic
and electrical tomography and acoustic emission, provide powerful
techniques to monitor the development of fracture processes and test the
numerical simulations.
Charles Fairhurst has always had the vision to understand the unique
value of geophysical imaging. He has promoted this geophysical
approach to see into rock and its application for numerical model
validation. He was the scientific peer reviewer for rock mechanics
research conducted at the Underground Research Laboratory (URL) of
Atomic Energy Canada and as such contributed significantly to the
science and engineering carried out there. In this paper I will highlight
some of the significant results from seismic imaging at the URL that
demonstrate this approach and I will also outline future research that has
been inspired by Charles Fairhurst.
Fairhurst Colloquium
From analogues to numerical models and application to deep coal mining
Dr. Michael Hardy
Agapito Associates, Inc., USA
This paper recounts some of the early history of the analogue/hybrid
computer and the development of numerical models for the analysis of
flat lying seams and identifies some of the challenges in design of mine
layouts for safe mining at depth. With mining at depth, stress
redistribution can cause sudden unpredicted outbursts of energy that
can be very disruptive to production and personnel safety. Coal mines
are progressing deeper and the occurrence of outbursts, bumps and or
bursts can limit resource recovery and prematurely terminate mining
operations. Mining methods have evolved using the post yield strength
of the coal to allow controlled convergence with pillar yielding. The
mechanisms of controlled yield and the conditions that can trigger
uncontrolled sudden collapse are still not well understood. Longwall
methods that allow collapse of the overlying strata and protection of
workers under massive canopies have been successful in extending
mining to greater depths, however we are approaching the depth limit
for longwall mining, and alternative mining methods are needed to
maintain production from the deeper resources.
Numerical models based developed at the University of Minnesota are
being applied to design safe and productive mine layouts. Some
examples of mining at depth in burst prone coal will be discussed.
The Twelve Keynotes
Stability of Underground Excavations
University of Western Australia, Australia
This presentation records some of the many fundamental and
engineering contributions made by the rock mechanics group at the
University of Minnesota, under the leadership of Charles Fairhurst, to
stability analysis and design methods for underground excavations. The
development of methods for assessment of the stability of underground
excavations in various geological settings is considered. In massive
elastic rock, understanding of the mechanics of rock fracture and failure
led to the formulation of rock mass failure criteria which better
represented conditions under which rock degradation and instability
develop around excavations. For bedded or stratified rock, some
seminal laboratory and field experiments provided key data for the
formulation of design methods based on Voussoir beam theory. Two
independent methods of analysis of the stability of roof beams are
considered. Some early analysis of the performance of rock support and
reinforcement, whose current value has been recently recalled, is
discussed. For design in blocky rock masses, a solution for the
distribution of block sizes in a blocky medium is considered in regard to
its practical utility for estimation of loading of rock support. For
excavations subject to dynamic loading, methods for estimating dynamic
stability of underground excavations are assessed. A procedure for
evaluating the potential for and magnitude of mining-induced seismic
events is discussed in the context of the dynamic stability of mining
excavations. It is notable that the Minnesota group, and Charles
Fairhurst in particular, made substantial contributions in all these
aspects of underground excavation engineering.
Prof. Barry Brady
Fairhurst Colloquium
Advances in the Field of In Situ Stress Measurements
in situ
in situ
University of Wisconsin, USA
This presentation will emphasize the development of stress
measurements pioneered at the University of Minnesota under the
guidance provided by Charles Fairhurst, starting with the improved
analysis of the door stopper (Bonnechere, Crouch), and the upgraded
borehole deformation gage (Crouch). Then, departing from straingage-
based techniques, Charles promoted research into the use of hydraulic
fracturing as a stress estimation method (Haimson, von Schonfeldt,
Roegiers, Rummel, Cornet). Hydraulic fracturing was developed
exclusively in the Rock Mechanics Laboratory of the University of
Minnesota, and it is the one method that has been universally embraced
for estimating stresses at depth for both scientific and commercial
purposes. The present status of stress measurements, and the use
of borehole breakouts will also be addressed.
Prof. Bezalel Haimson
The Twelve Keynotes
From Hydraulic Fracturing to In-Situ Characterization of Rock Masses
Rheological Characteristics
Dr. Franois H. Cornet
Institut de Physique du Globe, France
As a fresh graduate student in the University of Minnesota Mining
Engineering Department, I learned the physics that governed the
stability of rock disintegration under so-called triaxial stress conditions
as well as the art of measuring stresses with hydraulic fractures. These
principles had been developed a few years before in Charles Fairhursts
Rock Mechanics group or by the faculty that participated in the yearly
Minnesota summer schools of Rock Mechanics. They were based on
rigorous mechanical foundations, new laboratory experimental testing
possibilities and efficient modelling procedures. Today, these principles
and techniques have found their way to the field. This presentation
shows how a combination of hydraulic tests, borehole imaging logs and
the monitoring of micro-seismicity induced by large scale water
injections have helped ascertain the complete vertical stress profile in a 5
km deep granite rock mass, including its local variations in the vicinity
of fractures and faults. These data are taken to advantage for formulating
the failure criterion of this rock mass at the kilometer scale. It is
concluded that this granite is not close to failure and that the regional
vertical stress profile is not controlled by friction along properly oriented
pre-existing fractures, contrary to what is generally proposed in the earth
science literature. The proposition that stress variation with depth is not
dependant on friction is further illustrated by complete stress
determinations obtained in sedimentary rock formations of the Paris
basin. It is proposed that such vertical profiles may be used to advantage
for evaluating the rheological properties of rock masses, for geological
time scales relevant, for example, to the development of oil reservoirs, or
to the design of long-term projects such as nuclear waste repositories.
Fairhurst Colloquium
Hydraulic Fracture Stimulation and Crustal Stress
Ruhr Universitt Bochum & MeSy Geo-Mess-Systeme GmbH, Germany
The first hydrofrac test for recovery enhancement was carried out in
the Klepper well of the Hugoton oilfield, Kansas, in 1947. Hubbert and
Willis, in 1957, provided the classical concept for the interpretation of
hydrofrac pressure records, and Scheidegger (1962), Fairhurst and Kehle
(both in 1964) proposed to use hydraulic fracturing for in-situ stress
determination. The first experimental work was done by Fairhursts
students Haimson (1968) and von Schoenfeldt (1970), and initiated the
triumphant advance of hydraulic fracturing as an stress
measuring technique worldwide. Today, it allows crustal stress
determination to a depth of several kilometers and contributes to both
large-scale geo-engineering projects and the understanding of tectonic
Prof. Dr. Fritz Rummel
The Twelve Keynotes
Has a Reliable Method for Stress Determination at Depth Been Developed?
Sojo University, Japan
Although the hydraulic fracturing method is used in the field of
earth sciences, severe questions to the method have been raised from
time to time since the 1980s. Many researchers have tried to answer
these questions, and, recently, a relatively large correction of the method
was proposed by Ito et al. (1999). However, the ISRM-suggested method
of the hydraulic fracturing method (except for HTPF) published in 2003
fundamentally remains at the standpoint of the 1980s. In the meantime, a
new dry-fracturing method based on a borehole jack technique, which is
free from problems associated with water, has been proposed.
Prof. Yoshiaki Mizuta
Fairhurst Colloquium
Charles Fairhursts Ph.D. Students
1965. Hassan F. Imam:
1966. Paul F. Gnirk:
1967. Herbert K. Kutter:
1968. Bezalel Haimson:
1968. William A. Hustrulid:
1968. Wolfgang R. Wawersik:
1970. Hilmar A. von Schnfeldt:
1971. Darrell D. Porter:
1971. John A. Hudson:
1973. Richard L. Ash:
1973. Michael P. Hardy:
A Viscoelastic Analysis of Mine Subsidence in
Horizontally Laminated Mine Strata.
An Investigation of Some Aspects of Contained
Explosion Phenomena in Rocks.
The Interaction Between Stress Wave and Gas
Pressure in the Fracture Process of an Underground Explosion in Rock, with
Particular Application to Pre-splitting.
Hydraulic Fracturing in Porous and Nonporous
Rock and Its Potential for Determining In-Situ Stresses at Great Depth.
Theoretical and Experimental Study of
Percussive Drilling of Rock.
Detailed Analysis of Rock Failure in
Laboratory Compression Tests.
An Experimental Study of Open-Hole
Hydraulic Fracturing as a Stress Measurement Method with Particular
Emphasis on Field Tests.
A Role of the Borehole Pressure in Blasting: The
Formation of Cracks.
A Critical Examination Of Indirect Tensile Strength
Tests For Brittle Rocks.
The Influence of Geological Discontinuities on Rock
Fracture Mechanics Applied to Rock.
Charles Fairhursts Ph.D. Students
1974. Franois H. Cornet:
1974. Jean-Claude Roegiers:
1975. Jaak J. K. Daemen:
1978. Michael D. Voegele:
1983. Emmanuel M. Detournay:
1985. Gideon Leonard:
1992. Ali A. Fakhimi:
1992. Dezhang Lin:
1993. Robert B. Santurbano:
1996. Branko Damjanac:
1998. Carlos M. Carranza-Torres:
2000. Jeffrey K. Whyatt:
Analysis Of The Deformation Of Saturated Porous
Rocks In Compression.
The Development and Evaluation of a Field
Method for In-Situ Stress Determination Using Hydraulic Fracturing.
Tunnel Support Loading Caused by Rock Failure.
An Interactive Graphics Based Analysis of the
Support Requirements of Excavations in Jointed Rock.
Two-Dimensional Elastoplastic Analysis of
a Deep Cylindrical Tunnel Under Non-Hydrostatic Loading.
Fracture Mechanics Analysis of the Validity of
Hydraulic Fracturing as a Technique for In-situ stress Determination.
The Influence of Time Dependent Deformation of Rock
on the Stability of Underground Excavations.
Elements of Rock Block Modeling.
An Experimental and Analytical Study of the
Mechanics of Rock Particle Fragmentation During Impact Crushing.
A Three-Dimensional Numerical Model of Water
Flow in a Fractured Rock Mass.
Self-Similarity Analysis of the Elasto-
Plastic Response of Underground Openings in Rock and Effects of Practical
Influence of Geologic Structures on Stress Variation
and the Potential for Rockbursting in Mines with Particular Reference to the
Lucky Friday Mine, Idaho.
Fairhurst Colloquium
Charles Fairhurst Bibliography
Charles Fairhurst Bibliography
Fairhurst, C. The Design of Rotary Drilling Bits, ,
(6), 271-275 (1954).
Proctor, J. B., and C. Fairhurst. Principles of Rock Drilling,
Fairhurst, C. Some Possibilities and Limitations of Rotary Drilling in Hard
Rocks, , , 85-103 (1955).
Fairhurst, C., and W. D. Lacabanne. Some Principles and Developments in
Hard Rock Drilling Techniques, in
. University of Minnesota, October 1956, pp. 15-25.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, School of Mines & Center for
Continuing Study, 1956.
Fairhurst, C., and W. D. Lacabanne. Hard Rock Drilling Techniques,
, , 157-161 (1957).
Fairhurst, C. Laboratory Measurement of Some Physical Properties of
Rock, in . The
Pennsylvania State University, November 1961, pp. 105-118. Bull. Mineral
Industries Experiment Station, Pennsylvania State University, No. 76.
Fairhurst, C. Wave Mechanics of Percussive Drilling (Parts 1-3),
, (3,4,7), 122-130, 169-178, 327-328 (1961).
Fairhurst, C., Ed. . Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on
Rock Mechanics, University of Minnesota, May 1962. London: Pergamon
Press, 1963.
Mller, L. (in collaboration with C. Fairhurst). Principles in the Field of
Geomechanics, in
. Salzburg, 1963.
New York: Springer-Verlag, 1963.
Rock Pressure Calculations. English translation from French, original by J.
Mandel, trans. C. Fairhurst, , 67-81 (1964).
Fairhurst, C. Measurement of in-Situ Rock Stresses with Particular
Reference to Hydraulic Fracturing, , (3-
4), 139-147 (1964).
Mine & Quarry Engng.
Sheffield Univ.
Mining Mag.
Trans. Instn. Mining Engineers
& Quarry Engng.
Mine &
Quarry Engng.
Nottingham Univ. Mining Mag.
Felsmechanik und Ingenieurgeologie
Proceedings of the 6th Annual Drilling
& Blasting Symposium
Proceedings of the 4th Symposium on Rock Mechanics
Rock Mechanics
Proceedings of the 14th Symposium of Austrian
Regional Group International Society of Rock Mechanics
Fairhurst, C. On the Validity of the Brazilian Test for Brittle Materials,
, (4), 535-546 (1964).
Fairhurst, C. On the Determination of the State of Stress in Rock Masses,
in .
College of Engineering, University of Texas, Austin, January 1965, SPE
Paper 1062. Dallas: SPE, 1965.
Gnirk, P. F., and C. Fairhurst. The Mechanics of Explosive Cavity
Formation and Energy Dissipation, in
. Pennsylvania State University, June 1965, pp. 382-406.
Littleton, Colorado: SME, 1965.
Berry, D. S., and C. Fairhurst. Influence of Rock Anisotropy and Time
Dependent Deformation on the Stress Relief and High Modulus Inclusion
Techniques of in-Situ Stress Determination, in
. Seattle, October 1965, ASTM Special
Technical Publication N402, 1966.
Fairhurst, C. Contribution to Discussion of Paper by E. F. Long, 'An
Investigation Aimed at Improving the Efficiency of Drilling Rock by
Percussion Drilling', , (12), 687-692 (July
Fairhurst, C. Comminution, in
. Lisbon, September-October, 1966,
pp. 413-414, J. G. Zeitlen, Ed. Lisbon: LNEC, 1966.
Fairhurst, C. Recent Drilling Research at the University of Minnesota, in
. University of Minnesota, 1966, pp. 165-
169, E. P. Pfleider and F. E. Berger (assisted by D. A. Wallen), Eds.
Fairhurst, C. The Role of Rock Mechanics, , (2), 90-92
(February 1966).
Fairhurst, C., and N. Cook. The Phenomenon of Rock Splitting Parallel to
the Direction of Maximum Compression in the Neighborhood of a Surface,
. Lisbon, September-October, Vol. 1, pp. 687-692, J. G. Zeitlen, Ed.
Lisbon: LNEC, 1966.
Fairhurst, C., Ed. . Proceedings of the 8th
Symposium on Rock Mechanics, University of Minnesota, September 1966.
New York: AIMM/PE, 1967.
J. Rock Mech. & Min. Sci.
J. S. African Inst. Min. Metall.
Mining Eng.
Preprints of the Second Conference on Drilling and Rock Mechanics
Proceedings of the 7th Symposium
on Rock Mechanics
Symposium on Testing
Techniques for Rock Mechanics
Proceedings of the First Congress of the
International Society of Rock Mechanics
Proceedings of the 27th Annual Mining Symposium & 39th Annual Meeting
of the Minnesota Section, AIME
Proceedings of the First Congress of the International Society of Rock
Failure and Breakage of Rocks
Fairhurst Colloquium
Crouch, S. L., and C. Fairhurst. A Four-Component Borehole Deformation
Gauge for the Determination of in-Situ Stresses in Rock Masses,
, , 209-217 (1967).
Fairhurst, C.
, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Missouri River Division, Under
Contract DA-25-066-ENG-14, no. 1-68, December (1967).
Fairhurst, C. Influence of Defects and Discontinuities on Deformation
Behavior of Rocks, in
. 15th Annual Conference, University of Minnesota,
pp. 18-41. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, Dept. of Conferences &
Institutes, 1967.
Haimson, B. C., and C. Fairhurst. A Criterion for Hydraulic Fracturing in
Porous Rock, presented at the Fourth Conference on Drilling and Rock
Mechanics, Austin, Texas, January, 1967.
Haimson, B., and C. Fairhurst. Initiation and Extension of Hydraulic
Fractures in Rocks, , , 310-318 (1967).
Mller, L. Ed. (in collaboration with C. Fairhurst).
. Vienna: Springer-Verlag, 1967.
Pariseau, W. G., and C. Fairhurst. The Force Penetration Characteristics for
Wedge Penetration, , (2), 165-180 (1967).
Bonnechere, F., and C. Fairhurst. Determination of the Regional Stress
Field from 'Door-Stopper' Measurements, ,
(12), 520-544 (July 1968).
Kutter, H. K., and C. Fairhurst. The Roles of Stress Wave and Gas Pressure
in Presplitting, in . Proceedings of the
9th Symposium of Rock Mechanics, Colorado School of Mines, April 1967,
pp. 265-284. New York: AIME, 1968.
Starfield, A. M., and C. Fairhurst. How High Speed Computers Advance
Design of Practical Mine Pillar Systems, , , 78-84 (May
Bonnechere, F., and Fairhurst C. Results of an in-Situ Comparison of
Different Techniques for Rock Stress Determination, in
. Lisbon, May
1969, pp. 334-358.
Int. J. Rock
Mech. Min. Sci.
Soc. Petr. Engrg. J.
Int. J. Rock Mech. & Min. Sci.
J. S. African Inst. Min. Metall.
Eng. & Mining J.
Methods of Determining in-Situ Rock Stresses at Great
Proceedings Soil Mechanics and Foundation
Engineering Conference
Rock Engineering in
Theory and Practice
Status of Practical Rock Mechanics
Proceedings of
the International Symposium on Determination of Stresses
Charles Fairhurst Bibliography
Bonnechere, F., and C. Fairhurst. Determination of the Regional Stress
Field from 'Doorstopper' Measurements, in
. Lisbon, May 1969,
pp. 307-333.
Daemen, J., C. Fairhurst and A. M. Starfield. Rational Design of Tunnel
Supports, in .
Sacramento State College, 1969, paper no. 2, H. L. Hartman, Ed.
Sacramento, CA: Sacramento State College, School of Engineering, 1969.
Haimson, B. C., and C. Fairhurst. Hydraulic Fracturing in Porous
Permeable Materials, , , 811-817 (July 1969).
Hudson, J. A., and C. Fairhurst. Tensile Strength, Weibull's Theory and a
General Statistical Approach to Rock Failure, in
. Part II, pp. 901-914, M. Te'eni, Ed.
Daemen, J., and C. Fairhurst. Influence of Inelastic Rock Properties on the
Stability of a Wellbore, presented at the Society of Petroleum Engineers,
45th Annual Meeting, Houston, October 1970, SPE Preprint 3032, 1970.
Fairhurst, C. Borehole Methods of Stress Determination, in
. Madrid, October 1968,
pp. 273-279. Madrid: Editorial Blume, 1970.
Fairhurst, C. Comminution: Physical and Mechanical Bases of
Comminution, Drilling, Blasting, Crushing, Grinding, Abrasion, presented
at the 2nd Conference of the International Society for Rock Mechanics,
Belgrade, 1970.
Fairhurst, C. Fracture and Failure Mechanism of Rocks. Laboratory Tests
on Rock Specimens, in
. Leipzig, 1968, pp. 206-255. Berlin:
Deutsche Ak. Wissensch. Akademie Verlag, 1970.
Haimson, B. C., and C. Fairhurst. In-Situ Stress Determination at Great
Depth by Means of Hydraulic Fracturing, in
. Proceedings of the 11th Symposium on Rock Mechanics, Berkeley,
June 1969, pp. 559-584, W. H. Somerton, Ed. Littleton, CO: SME/AIME,
Proceedings of the
International Symposium on Determination of Stresses
Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on Rapid Excavation
Proceedings of the
International Conference on Structure, Solid Mechanics and Engineering
Design in Civil Engineering Materials
Proceedings of
the International Symposium on Rock Mechanics
Proceedings of the 10th Congress of the
International Bureau for Rock Mechanics
Rock Mechanics Theory &
J. Petrol. Tech.
Fairhurst Colloquium
Rummel, F., and C. Fairhurst. Determination of the Post Failure Behavior
of Brittle Rock Using a Servo-Controlled Testing Machine, , (4),
189-204 (1970).
von Schonfeldt, H., and C. Fairhurst. Field Experiments on Hydraulic
Fracturing, presented at the Society of Petroleum Engineers, 45th Annual
Meeting, Houston, October 1970, SPE Preprint 3033, 1970.
von Schonfeldt, H., and C. Fairhurst. Open Hole Hydraulic Fracturing, in
, pp. 404-409, J. L. Rau and L. F.
Dellwig, Eds. Cleveland: Northern Ohio Geological Society, 1970.
Wawersik, W., and C. Fairhurst. A Study of Brittle Rock Fracture in
Laboratory Compression Experiments, , (5), 561-
575, 1970.
Daemen, J., and C. Fairhurst. Influence of Failed Rock Properties on
Tunnel Stability, in . Rolla,
Missouri, November 1970, pp. 855-875. New York: SME/AIMMPE, 1971.
Haimson, B. C., and C. Fairhurst. Some Bit-Penetration Characteristics in
Pink Tennessee Marble, in . 12th Symposium on
Rock Mechanics, Rolla, Missouri, 1970, pp. 547-559, E. B. Clark, Ed. New
York: SME/AIMMPE, 1971.
Hudson, J. A., E. T. Brown and C. Fairhurst. Optimizing the Control of
Rock Failure in Servo-Controlled Laboratory Tests, , (4),
217-224 (1971).
Hustrulid, W. A., and C. Fairhurst. A Theoretical and Experimental Study
of the Percussive Drilling of Rocks Part I, Theory of Percussive Drilling,
, (4), 311-334 (1971).
Hustrulid, W. A., and C. Fairhurst. A Theoretical and Experimental Study
of the Percussive Drilling of Rocks Part II, Force-Penetration of Specific
Energy Determinations, , (4), 335-356 (1971).
Hustrulid, W. A., and C. Fairhurst. A Theoretical and Experimental Study
of the Percussive Drilling of Rocks Part III, Experimental Verification of the
Mathematical Theory, , (3), 417-429 (1971).
Hustrulid, W. A., and C. Fairhurst. A Theoretical and Experimental Study
of the Percussive Drilling of Rocks Part IV, Application of the Model to
Actual Percussive Drilling, , (3), 431-449 (1971).
Rock Mech.
Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci.
Int. J. Rock Mech.
Int. Rock Mech. & Min. Sci.
Int. Rock Mech. & Min. Sci.
Int. Rock Mech. & Min. Sci.
Int. Rock Mech. & Min. Sci.
Proceedings of the Third Symposium on Salt
Twelfth Symposium on Rock Mechanics
Dynamic Rock Mechanics
Charles Fairhurst Bibliography
Kutter, H. K., and C. Fairhurst. On the Fracture Process in Blasting,
, , 181-202 (1971).
Porter, D. D., and C. Fairhurst. A Study of Crack Propagation Produced by
the Sustained Borehole Pressure in Blasting, in .
Proceedings of the 12th Symposium on Rock Mechanics, University of
Missouri, Rolla, November 1970, pp. 497-515, G. B. Clark, Ed. New York:
Roegiers, J.-C., J. A. Hudson and C. Fairhurst.
, University of Minnesota, MRRC
Progress Report, No. 24, April 1971.
Brown, E. T., J. A. Hudson, M. P. Hardy and C. Fairhurst. Controlled
Failure of Hollow Rock Cylinders in Uniaxial Compression, ,
(1), 1-24 (1972).
Cornet, F., and C. Fairhurst. Variation of Pore Volume in Disintegrating
Rock, in . Proceedings of the
Symposium, Stuttgart, Germany, September 1972, pp. T2A, 1-8. Essen,
Germany: Deutsche Gesellschaft, 1972.
Daemen, J., and C. Fairhurst. Rock Failure and Tunnel Support Loading,
in . Luzern,
Switzerland, pp. 356-369. Luzern: Swiss Society for Soil Mechanics and
Foundation Engineering, 1972.
Fairhurst, C. Estimation of Rock Mass Permeability by Hydraulic
Fracturing, a Suggestion, presented at the Symposium on Percolation
Through Fissured Rock (Stuttgart, Germany, September 1972).
Fairhurst, C. Fundamental Considerations Relating to the Strength of
Rock, , , 1-56
Hudson, J. A., E. T. Brown and C. Fairhurst. Shape of the Complete Stress-
Strain Curve for Rock, in . Proceedings of the 13th
U.S. Symposium on Rock Mechanics (University of Illinois at Urbana, 1971),
pp. 773-795, E. J. Cording, Ed. New York: ASCE, 1972.
Hudson, J. A., S. L. Crouch and C. Fairhurst. Soft, Stiff and Servo-
Controlled Machines, , (2), 155-189 (1972).
Int. J.
Rock Mech.
Rock Mech.
Verff. Inst. Bodenmechanik und Felsmechanik (Karlsruhe)
Eng. Geol.
Dynamic Rock Mechanics
A Note on Controlled Crack
Growth in Hydraulic Fracturing of Rock
Percolation Through Fissured Rock
International Symposium on Underground Openings
Stability of Rock Slopes
Fairhurst Colloquium
Crouch, S. L., and C. Fairhurst. Analysis of Rock Mass Deformations Due
to Excavations, in ,
pp. 25-40, D. L. Sikarskie, Ed. New York: ASME, 1973.
Fairhurst, C. Determination of Rock Stresses at Depth (Abstract), in
. Royal Society,
London, March 1973.
Fairhurst, C. Laboratory Testing of Rock and Its Relevance to Mine
Design, in , Vol. 1, pp. 13-36 13-51. I. A.
Given, Ed. Baltimore: Port City Press, 1973.
Fairhurst, C. A Look to 1980 and Beyond, in
. Dhanbad, India, July 1972, pp. 309-311.
Calcutta: Institution of Engineers, 1973.
Fairhurst, C. Mechanics of Stable and Unstable Rock Fracture, and the
Influence of Pore Fluid Pressure (Abstract), in
. Royal Society, London, March 1973.
Fairhurst, C., and M. P. Hardy. Fracture in Rocks and Engineering
Implications, in
. Munich 1973, p. PL IX 141.
Hardy, M. P., S. L. Crouch and C. Fairhurst. Hybrid Computer Analysis of
Seam Extraction (Abstract), in .
Proceedings of the 14th Symposium on Rock Mechanics, Pennsylvania State
University, 1972, p. 749, H. R. Hardy Jr. and R. Stefanko, Eds. New York:
ASCE, 1973.
Hardy, M. P., and C. Fairhurst. Chip Formation by Drag Cutters, in
. January 1973, SPE Pre-print 4244, 1973.
Hardy, M. P., J. A. Hudson and C. Fairhurst. The Failure of Rock Beams.
Part I Theoretical Studies. Derivation of Complete Force-Displacement
Curve, , (1), 53-67 (1973).
Hardy, M. P., J. A. Hudson and C. Fairhurst. The Failure of Rock Beams.
Part II Experimental Studies. Closed-Loop Programmable Testing System
for Plexiglas and Rock Beams, , (1), 69-82
Proceedings of the Rock Mechanics Symposium, ASME
Colloquium on Seismic Effects of Reservoir Impounding
SME Mining Engineers' Handbook
Proceedings of the
Symposium on Rock Mechanics
Colloquium on Seismic
Effects of Reservoir Impounding
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on
New Horizons in Rock Mechanics
Proceedings of the 6th Society of Petroleum Engineers Conference on
Drilling and Rock Mechanics
Int. J. Rock Mech. & Min. Sci.
Int. J. Rock Mech. & Min. Sci.
Charles Fairhurst Bibliography
Roegiers, J. C., and C. Fairhurst. The Deep Stress Probe, A Tool for Stress
Determination, in . 14th Symposium on
Rock Mechanics, Pennsylvania State University, 1972, p. 755, H. R. Hardy Jr.
and R. Stefanko, Eds. New York: ASCE, 1973.
Roegiers, J.-C., C. Fairhurst and R. B. Rosene. The DSP, a New Instrument
for Estimation of the in-Situ Stress State at Depth, in
January 1973, SPE Pre-print 4246, 1973.
Cornet, F., and C. Fairhurst. Influence of Pore Pressure on the Deformation
Behavior of Saturated Rocks, in
. Denver, Vol. II-A, pp. 638-644. Washington,
D.C.: U.S. National Science, 1974.
Crouch, S. L., and C. Fairhurst. Mechanics of Coal Mine Bumps,
, , 317-323 (1974).
Fairhurst, C., and B. Singh. Roofbolting in Horizontally Laminated Rock,
, (2), 80-90 (1974).
Fairhurst, C., and B. Singh. Theoretical Studies of the Stability of a Bolted
Bedded Mine Roof (in Polish), , (1), 56-62 (1974).
Hardy, M. P., S. L. Crouch, C. Fairhurst and K. P. A Hybrid Computer
System Simulating Inelastic Seam Behavior, in
. Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on Rock
Mechanics, Denver, 1974, Vol. II-B, pp. 1015-1021. Washington, D.C.: U.S.
National Academy of Science, 1974.
Hardy, M. P., and C. Fairhurst. Analysis of Fracture in Rock and Rock
Masses, in . Proceedings of the
14th Annual ASME Symposium, Albuquerque, February-March, pp. 73-80.
Fairhurst, C. Hard Rock Blasting Developments and Possibilities, in
. Atlas Copco, July 1975, p. 11.
Fairhurst, C. Introduction to Alternatives in Energy Conservation: The Use
of Earth Covered Buildings, in . Ft. Worth, July,
pp. 1-5. 1975.
New Horizons in Rock Mechanics
Proceedings of the 6th
Society of Petroleum Engineers Conference on Drilling and Rock Mechanics
Proceedings of the 3rd International
Congress on Rock Mechanics
Advances in Rock
Engineering for Materials/Energy Challenge
Conference: Bench Drilling Days
Proceedings of Conference
Soc. Min. Engrs. A.I.M.E.
Eng. Mining J.
Przeglad Gorniczy
Fairhurst Colloquium
Fairhurst, C. The Work of the Underground Construction Research
Council, in
. University of Missouri, Kansas City,
March 1975, pp. 103-106, T. Stauffer Sr. and J. D. Vineyard, Eds.
Washington: National Science Foundation, 1975.
Fairhurst, C. The Application of Mechanics to Rock Engineering (Invited
Lecture), in
. Johannesburg, November 1976, pp. 1-22. Rotterdam: Balkema,
Fairhurst, C. The Application of Mechanics to Rock Engineering, in
. University of Toronto, June 1976, Vol. 2, pp. 123-162, B.
Tabarrok, Ed. Toronto: University of Toronto, Faculty of Appl. Sci. &
Eng./Canadian Soc. for Mech. Eng./Canadian Soc. for Civil Eng., 1976.
Fairhurst, C. Going Under to Stay on Top, , , 71-86
Fairhurst, C. Some Basic Considerations of Mechanics as Applied to Rock
Mechanics (Abstract), in
. Toronto, June 1976, Summaries.
Fairhurst, C., and S. L. Crouch, Eds. .
Proceedings of the 16th Symposium on Rock Mechanics, University of
Minnesota, September 1975. New York: ASCE, 1977.
Cundall, P. A., M. Voegele and C. Fairhurst. Computerized Design of Rock
Slopes Using Interactive Graphics for the Input and Output of Geometrical
Data, in , pp. 1-10. New York: ASCE,
Voegele, M., C. Fairhurst and P. A. Cundall. Analysis of Tunnel Support
Loads Using the Distinct Block Model, in
. Rockstore 77, Vol. 2, pp. 247-252. Oxford: Pergamon, 1978.
Fairhurst, C. F., C. M. St. John, N. F. Midea, S. M. de Eston, A. C. Fernandes
and L. A. Bongiovanni. Rock Mechanics Studies of Proposed
Underground Mining of Potash in Sergipe, Brazil, in
. Montreux, Switzerland, pp. 131-
137. Rotterdam: Balkema, 1979.
Proceedings of the Symposium on the Development and
Utilization of Underground Space
Proceedings of the Symposium on Exploration for Rock
Proceedings of the Third Symposium on Engineering Application of Solid
Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium on Engineering
Application of Solid Mechanics
Design Methods in Rock Mechanics
Design Methods in Rock Mechanics
Storage in Excavated Rock
Proceedings of the 4th
International Congress of Rock Mechanics
Underground Space
Charles Fairhurst Bibliography
Fairhurst, C. Advantages of Earth-Sheltered Building and Current
Developments in the United States, , (1), 31-35 (July
Fairhurst, C., and J.J.K. Daemen. Practical Inferences from Research on the
Design of Tunnel Supports, , (5), 297-311 (1980).
Fairhurst, C., and F. H. Cornet. Rock Fracture and Fragmentation, in
. Proceedings of the 22nd U.S.
Symposium on Rock Mechanics, MIT, pp. 21-46. Cambridge: MIT, 1981.
Detournay, E., and C. Fairhurst. Approximate Statical Solution of the
Elastoplastic Interface in the Problem of an Infinite Medium with a Circular
Hole, in . Proceedings of the 4th
International Conference, Edmonton, Canada, pp. 27-35. Rotterdam:
Balkema, 1982.
Detournay, E., and C. Fairhurst. Generalization of the Ground Reaction
Curve Concept, in . Proceedings of the 23rd
Symposium on Rock Mechanics, University of California, Berkeley, August,
pp. 924-934. Littleton, Colorado: SME, 1982.
Brady, B., and C. Fairhurst. Rock Mechanics of Underground Excavations,
General Report, in
. Melbourne. Victoria, Australia: Australian Geomechanics
Society, 1983.
Fairhurst, C., and R. Sterling. Subsurface Storage of Food (Session Report,
U.N. Workshop on the Utilization of Subsurface Space in Developing
Countries, Stockholm, 1982), , , 249-250 (1983).
Sterling, R. L., F. Dunkel, G. Meixel and C. Fairhurst. Underground
Storage of Food (U.N. Workshop on the Utilization of Subsurface Space in
Developing Countries, Stockholm, 1982), , , 257-262
St. John, C. M., E. Detournay and C. Fairhurst. Design Charts for a Deep
Circular Tunnel Under Non-Hydrostatic Loading, in
. Proceedings of the 25th Symposium on Rock
Mechanics, Northwestern University, June, pp. 849-855, C. H. Dowding and
M. M. Singh, Eds. New York: AIMMPE, 1984.
Underground Space
Underground Space
Underground Space
Underground Space
Mechanics from Research to Application
Numerical Methods in Geomechanics
Issues in Rock Mechanics
Proceedings of the 5th International Congress of Rock
Rock Mechanics in
Productivity and Protection
Fairhurst Colloquium
Fairhurst, C., and D. Lin. 1985 Fuzzy Methodology in Tunnel Support
Design, in .
Proceedings of the 26th U.S. Symposium on Rock Mechanics, South Dakota
School of Mines & Technology, Rapid City, June 1985, pp. 269-278, E.
Ashworth, Ed. Boston: Balkema, 1985.
Fairhurst, C., and A. Maia da Costa. Comparison of Numerical Modeling
with Predictions from Laboratory Tests and Field Observations of
Deformation in a Potash Mine in Sergipe, Brazil, in
, pp. 269-278. Boston: Balkema,
Cundall, P. A., and C. Fairhurst. Correlation of Discontinuum Models with
Physical Observations An Approach to the Estimation of Rock Mass
Behaviour, , (4), 197-202 (1986).
Fairhurst, C. In-Situ Stress Determination An Appraisal of Its Significance
in Rock Mechanics, in
. Stockholm, September 1986,
pp. 3-17, O. Stephansson, Ed. Lule: Centek, 1986.
Detournay, E., and C. Fairhurst. A Two-Dimensional Elastoplastic
Analysis of a Long, Cylindrical Cavity Under Non-Hydrostatic Loading,
, (4), 197-211 (1987).
Fairhurst, C., and R. D. Hart. Verification and Validation of Coupled
Mechanical/Water Flow Effects in Rock Masses: Some Possibilities and
Limitations, in . Stockholm, April, pp. 527-545. Stockholm:
SKI, 1987.
Fairhurst, C. Comments on the Modeling of Coupled Thermo-Mechanical-
Fluid Flow Behavior of Rock Masses, in
, pp. 713-731, C. F. Tsang, Ed. Orlando:
Academic Press, 1987.
Lin, D., C. Fairhurst and A. M. Starfield. Geometrical Identification of
Three-Dimensional Rock Block Systems Using Topological Techniques,
, (6), 331-338 (1987).
Sterling, R. L., C. Fairhurst and J. C. Carmody. Experience in the
Development of Mined Underground Space in the Minneapolis-St. Paul
Area, in
. Bordeaux, France, October 1987, pp. 63-66. Rotterdam:
Balkema, 1987.
Research and Engineering Applications in Rock Masses
Research and
Engineering Applications in Rock Masses
Proceedings of the International Symposium on
Rock Stress and Rock Stress Measurements
Coupled Processes Associated
with Nuclear Waste Properties
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Cities and
Subsurface Use
Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. & Geomech. Abstr.
J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci.
Charles Fairhurst Bibliography
Fairhurst, C. Some Observations on the Practical Utility and Limitations of
Excavation Stability Analysis, in , Vol. 1, pp.
27-32. Dhanbad, India: Central Mining Research Station, 1988.
Fairhurst, C., and J. Lemos. Influence of in-Situ Stresses on Fluid
Penetration in Jointed Rock from Unlined Pressure Tunnels, in
, pp. 95-103.
Madrid: Balkema, 1988.
Lin, D., and C. Fairhurst. Application of Animated Graphics in the
Analysis of Large Scale Blocky Rock System Around Excavations, in
. Proceedings of the 29th U.S. symposium,
University of Minnesota, pp. 755-757, P. A. Cundall et al., Ed. Rotterdam:
Balkema, 1988.
Lin, D., and C. Fairhurst. Static Analysis of the Stability of Three-
Dimensional Blocky Systems Around Excavations in Rock,
, (3), 139-148 (1988).
Sellami, H., C. Fairhurst, E. Deliac and B. Delbast. The Role of In-Situ Rock
Stresses and Mud Pressure on the Penetration Rate of PDC Bits, in
, Vol. 2, pp. 769-777. Pau, France: ISRM, 1989.
Fairhurst, C., Ed. . Proceedings of the
2nd International Symposium, Minneapolis, June 1988. Rotterdam:
Balkema, 1990.
Douat, C., and C. Fairhurst. Micro-Computer Modelling and Practical
Design/Monitoring of Large Underground Excavations, in
, pp. 113-124, R. K. Brummer,
Ed. Rotterdam: Balkema, 1990.
Fairhurst, C. Design of Excavations in High Rock-Stress Conditions, in
. Proceedings of the 2nd international
symposium, Minneapolis, June 1988, pp. 421-423, C. Fairhurst, Ed.
Rotterdam: Balkema, 1990.
Fairhurst, C. General Report: Deformation, Yield, Rupture and Stability of
Excavations at Depth in Rock, in , Vol. 3, pp. 1103-
1114. Rotterdam: Balkema, 1990.
Underground Engineering 1988
of the Symposium on Rock Mechanics and Power Plants
Questions in Rock Mechanics
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Mechanics and Physics of
Rocks at Great Depths
Rockbursts and Seismicity in Mines
Static and
Dynamic Considerations in Rock Engineering
Rockbursts and Seismicity in Mines
Rock at Great Depth
Int. J. Rock
Mech. Min. Sci. & Geomech. Abstr.
Fairhurst Colloquium
Fairhurst, C., and J. Pei. A Comparison Between the Distinct Element
Method and the Finite Element Method for Analysis of the Stability of an
Excavation in Jointed Rock, , (1/2), 111-
117 (1990).
Fairhurst, C. Evolving Towards 'Mechanics Based' Design Procedures in
Geomechanics (Abstract). Tainan, Republic of China, December 1992, p. 1,
S. T. Chen et al., Ed. Tainan, Taiwan: National Cheng Kung University,
Lorig, L., and C. Fairhurst. Three-Dimensional Discontinuum Modeling for
Underground Excavations, in
. Tainan, Republic of China, December 1992, pp. 349-
358., S.-T. Chen et al., Ed. Tainan, Taiwan: National Cheng Kung University,
Fairhurst, C. Analysis and Design in Rock Mechanics: The General
Context, in , Vol. 2, pp. 1-29, J. A.
Hudson, Ed. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1993.
Fairhurst, C. The Strength and Deformability of Rock Masses An
Important Research Need, in
. Proceedings of EUROCK '93, Lisbon, June, Vol. 2, pp. 931-933,
L. Sousa, E. Ribeiro, and N. F. Grossmann, Eds. Rotterdam: Balkema, 1993.
Damjanac, B., and C. Fairhurst. A Note on Modelling of the Groundwater
Flow and Pressure Behaviour Observed During Excavation of the SCV Drift
in the Stripa Project, in .
Proceedings of the Fourth International NEA/SKB Symposium, Stockholm,
October 1992, pp. 437-446. Paris: Organisation for Economic Co-operation
and Development, 1994.
Fakhimi, A. A., and C. Fairhurst. A Model for the Time-Dependent
Behavior of Rock, , (2), 117-
126 (1994).
Detournay, E., C. Fairhurst and J. Labuz. A Model of Tensile Failure
Initiation Under an Indentor, in .
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference, Vienna, April 1995,
Supplemental Volume, pp. 12-17, H.-P. Rossmanith, Ed. Rotterdam:
Balkema, 1995.
Fairhurst, C. Three Gorges Dam Reservoir, Yangtze River, China, ,
(6), 390-394 (1995).
Tunn. & Underground Space Tech.
Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. & Geomech. Abstr.
Proceedings of the 1992 Rock Engineering
Symposium in Taiwan
Comprehensive Rock Engineering
Safety and Environmental Issues in Rock
In-Situ Experiments at the Stripa Mine
Mechanics of Jointed and Faulted Rock
Charles Fairhurst Bibliography
Carranza-Torres, C., and C. Fairhurst. Anlisis de Estabilidad de una Falla
Geolgica con el Mtodo de las Discontinuidads de los Desplazamientos
(Analysis of the Stability of a Geological Fault Using the Displacement
Discontinuity Method),
, , 73-81 (1996).
Fairhurst, C., and B. Damjanac. The Excavation Zone An International
Perspective, in
. Winnipeg, September 1996, pp. 4-14, J. B. Martino and C. D.
Martin, Eds. Toronto: 1996 Int. Conf. on Deep Geological Disposal of
Radioactive Waste, 1996.
Carranza-Torres, C., and C. Fairhurst. A General Stability Criterion for
Tunnels in Soft and Hard Ground, in . Proceedings of
the 23rd General Assembly of the International Tunnelling Association,
April 1997, pp. 29-35, J. Golser et al., Ed. Rotterdam: Balkema, 1997.
Carranza-Torres, C., and C. Fairhurst. On the Stability of Tunnels Under
Gravity Loading, with Post-Peak Softening of the Ground,
, (3-4), Paper No. 075 (1997).
Carranza-Torres, C., C. Fairhurst and L. Lorig. Insights on the Stability of
Large Excavations from Analytical and Numerical Models, , (1),
45-63 (1997).
Fairhurst, C. Geomaterials and Recent Developments in Micro-Mechanical
Numerical Models, , (2), 11-14 (1997).
Fairhurst, C. Rock Mechanics and Nuclear Waste Repositories, in
. Lillehammer, Norway, June, pp. 1-
43, E. Broch et al., Ed. Oslo: Helli Grafisk, 1997.
Fairhurst, C. Rock Mechanics and Nuclear Waste Repositories (Keynote
Paper), in
. Vail, Colorado, June 1998, pp. 1-
45, S. Saeb and C. Francke, Eds. Alexandria, Virginia: ARMA, 1998.
Carranza-Torres, C., and C. Fairhurst. Elasto-Plastic Analysis of Elliptical
Cavities in Rock Subject to Non-Hydrostatic Loading, in
. Proceedings of the Conference,
Minneapolis, September 1999, pp. 215-223, C. Detournay and R. Hart, Eds.
Rotterdam: Balkema, 1999.
Actas de la Asociacin de Geologa Aplicada a la
Int. J. Rock.
Mech. & Min. Sci.
ISRM News J.
Proceedings of the Excavation Disturbed Zone Workshop
on Designing the Excavation Disturbed Zone for a Nuclear Repository in
Hard Rock
Tunnels for People
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Rock Support Applied
Solutions for Underground Structures
Proceedings of the International Workshop on the Rock
Mechanics of Nuclear Waste Repositories
FLAC and
Numerical Modeling in Geomechanics
Fairhurst Colloquium
Carranza-Torres, C., and C. Fairhurst. The Elasto-Plastic Response of
Underground Excavations in Rock Masses That Satisfy the Hoek-Brown
Failure Criterion, , , 777-809 (1999).
Damjanac, B., C. Fairhurst and T. Brandshaug. Numerical Simulation of
the Effects of Heating on the Permeability of a Jointed Rock Mass, in
. Paris, Vol. 2, pp.
881-885. Rotterdam: Balkema, 1999.
Fairhurst, C., and B. Damjanac. The Excavation Damage Zone An
International Perspective, in ,
pp. 1-26, K. R. Saxena et al., Ed. New Delhi: Oxford & IBH Publishing, 1999.
Fairhurst, C., and L. Lorig. Improved Design in Rock and Soil Engineering
with Numerical Modelling, in
, pp. 27-46, V. M. Sharma et al., Ed. New Delhi: Oxford & IBH
Publishing, 1999.
International Geomechanical Commission (C. Fairhurst, E. T. Brown, G.
de Marsily, E. Detournay, V. Nikolaevskiy, J.R.A. Pearson and L.
. Paris: La Documentation Franaise, 1999.
Carranza-Torres, C., and C. Fairhurst. Analysis of Tunnel Support
Requirements Using the Convergence-Confinement Method and the Hoek-
Brown Rock Failure Criterion, in . Proceedings of the
International Conference on Geotechnical & Geological Engineering,
Melbourne, November, Paper UW1244. Lancaster, Pennsylvania:
Technomic Publishing, 2000.
Carranza-Torres, C., and C. Fairhurst. Application of the Convergence-
Confinement Method of Tunnel Design to Rock Masses That Satisfy the
Hoek-Brown Failure Criterion, , (2), 187-
213 (2000).
Carranza-Torres, C., and C. Fairhurst. Some Consequences of Inelastic
Rock-Mass Deformation on the Tunnel Support Loads Predicted by the
Einstein and Schwartz Design Approach, in .
Proceedings of Sessions of Geo-Denver 2000, pp. 16-49, J. F. Labuz et al., Ed.
Reston, Virginia: ASCE, 2000.
Damjanac, B., and C. Fairhurst. Ecoulement Tri-Dimensionnel d'Eau Sous
Pression dans les Milieux Fracturs, in
, pp. 5-19. Paris: Presses Pontes et Chauses, 2000.
Int. J. Rock Mech. & Min. Sci.
Tunn. & Underground Space Tech.
Proceedings of the 9th ISRM Congress on Rock Mechanics
Distinct Element Modeling in Geomechanics
Distinct Element Modelling in
Underground Nuclear Testing in French Polynesia: Stability and
Hydrology Issues
GeoEng 2000
Trends in Rock Mechanics
La Scurit Des Grands Ouvrages,
Hommage Pierre Londe
Charles Fairhurst Bibliography
Fairhurst, C. Structural and Hydrological Consequences of Underground
Nuclear Testing on the Atolls of Mururoa and Fangataufa, in French
Polynesia, presented at the GeoEng 2000, Melbourne, Australia,
November, 2000.
Fairhurst, C., B. Damjanac and R. Hart. Numerical Analysis as a Practical
Design Tool in Geo Engineering, in . Proceedings of
Sessions of Geo-Denver 2000, pp. 169-183, D. V. Griffiths, G. A. Fenton, and
T. R. Martin, Eds. Reston, Virginia: ASCE, 2000.
Hart, R., and C. Fairhurst. Application of Discontinuum Modeling in
Geotechnical Studies for Nuclear Waste Isolation, in
. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advances of
Computer Methods in Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering,
Moscow, February 2000, pp. 15-28, S. A. Yufin, Ed. Rotterdam: Balkema,
Carranza-Torres, C., and C. Fairhurst. Aplicacin del Mtodo de
Convergencia-Confinamiento al Diseo de Tneles en Macizos Rocosos Que
Satisfacen el Criterio de Rotura de Hoek y Brown, in , pp.
69-123, C. Lpez-Jimeno, Ed. Tunnelling Engineering Series, Vol. 4. Madrid:
Escuela Tcnica Superior de Ingenieros de Minas, 2001.
Fairhurst, C. Rock Mechanics of Underground Nuclear Explosions,
, (3), 21-27 (2001).
Fairhurst, C., and C. Carranza-Torres. Closing the Circle Some Comments
on Design Procedures for Tunnel Supports in Rock, in
. February,
pp. 21-84, J. F. Labuz and J. G. Bentler, Eds. Minneapolis: University of
Minnesota, 2002.
Fairhurst, C. Radioactive Waste Isolation One Small Step for Geology; One
Giant Leap for Rock Mechanics. Leopold Muller Award Presentation. 10th
International ISRM Congress, Johannesburg, September 2003.
Fairhurst, C. Stress Estimation in Rock: A Brief History and Review,
, , 957-973 (2003).
Slope Stability 2000
Geoecology and
Proceedings of the
University of Minnesota 50th Annual Geotechnical Conference
News J.
J. Rock Mech. & Min. Sci.
Fairhurst Colloquium
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Fairhurst Colloquium

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