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1. My spouse continues to drive when he/she shouldnt

2. I have little control over my spouses illness
3. I have little control over my spouses behaviour
4. My spouse is constantly asking the same questions over and over
5. I have to do too many jobs/chores (feeding, shopping, playing bills) that my
spouse used to perform
6. I am upset that I cannot communicate with my spouse
7. I am totally responsible for keeping our household in order
8. My spouse doesnt cooperate with the ret of our family
9. I have had to seek public assistance to pay for my spouses medical bills
10. Seeking public assistance is demeaning and degrading
11. My spouse doesnt recognize me all the time
12. My spouse has struck me on various occasions
13. My spouse has gotten lost in the grocery store
14. My spouse has been wetting the bed
15. My spouse throws fits and has threatened me
16. I have to constantly clean up after my spouse eats
17. I have to cover up for my spouses mistakes
18. I am fearful when my spouse gets angry
19. It is exhausting having to groom and dress my spouse every day
20. I try so hard to help my spouse but he/she is ungrateful
21. It is frustrating trying to find things that my spouse hides
22. I worry that my spouse will leave the house and get lost
23. My spouse has assaulted others in addition to me
24. I feel so alone as if have the world on my shoulders
25. I am embarrassed to take my spouse out for fear that he/she will do
something bad

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