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Poetry Final Project

Due Date:

This project will demonstrate your understanding of the poetic elements as well as
your ability to use them in context.

Step 1:
Research the Freedom Summer and the Mississippi murders of Civil Rights Activists
James Earl Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwerner.

Step 2:
Write a poem about this topic. It must include at least 5 of the poetry writing tools
we discussed in this unit. Each tool should be labeled on the poem. Following the
poem You will need to write 1 paragraph for each tool. In your paragraph explain
why and how that tool is used in poetry. Then explain its effectiveness in your poem

I will not be grading on the quality of the poem. Rather, I will be focusing on the
understanding of the poetic tools and their use. Each tool and its corresponding
paragraph will be worth 1/5 of the grade.

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