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Copyright 2012 Datum. All rights reserved.
Version: 0.!.".!"#
Release Date: $ay 2%th 2012
System Requirements: &indows 2000' &indows () &indows *ista' &indows 200+' &indows ,
Disk Space: 1 $-
.ne of the /iggest 0improvements1 that $o2illa laims is improved memory usage' in partiular' the
van3uishing of memory lea4s. 5f you thought it was too good to /e true you were right. 6irefo7 still
uses a lot of memory 8 way too muh memory for a we/ /rowser.
&e li4e 4eeping our apps running for a few days 9that:s ;ust the way we roll< and /eause of this
6irefo7 was using over =+00$- of memory after a/out ! days. 5t:s 3uite normal for 6irefo7 to /e
su4ing up =100$- of memory right off the /at 9in a memory lea4 you:ll see the memory usage 4eep
inreasing the longer the /rowser is open/in-use<.
>ather than omplaining a/out it' we deided to fi7 it. ?nter 6iremin@ simply put@ it will eliminate all
memory lea4s in 6irefo7. All we did was twea4ed our memory optimi2ation engine a little and applied
it to 6irefo7 9inluding 6irefo7 e7tensions< and all the memory lea4s was gone. Ao use 6iremin@ you will
need to un2ip 6iremin.2ip, dou/le li4 on 6iremin.e7e and let 6iremin /a/ysit 6irefo7. Bou e7peted it
to /e more ompliated' we are truly sorry to disappoint you.
6iremin is a very simple utility and' for this reason' does not demand any installation utility. Cimply
un2ip all files to any folder and run the e7euta/le file 9usually' D6iremin.e7eD<.
No Nonsense License Version 1.5:
Bou may use our software anywhere and anytime for any purpose you want. &e will ;ust not /e held
responsi/le if you mess your omputer up or use our software for illegal purposes. Eowever' we do
suggest that you never use our software for illegal or immoral purposes@ otherwise 4arma ould turn
on you. .n that note@ we will also not /e held responsi/le for any /odily harm you ould sustain while
using our software. Bou may however try to deompile 9if you an' good for you<' disassem/le and use
our software in your /usiness. &e did not inlude the soure ode' /eause' to /e totally honest' we
don:t want to.
5f our freeware ontains third party omponents you will need to a/ide /y the terms of the speifi
omponent provider. )lease do not try and deompile these omponents@ otherwise some trou/le
ould ome your way. Ahe resoures and software we use to reate our freeware are all open soure'
paid for and even the &indows we use are genuine. &e emphasi2e that you only install our freeware
on genuine software 9&indows' .ffie' et.<. 5f for some reason your software is less than genuine' it
is the same as using our freeware for illegal purposes and this is stritly for/idden.
5f you use our software' you agree that most software ompanies are full of it and that our software
might not wor4 the way you e7pet it to. Bou agree that no developers are perfet and for that reason
our software is less than perfet. 5t ould in some ases rash your omputer' render something
unusa/le and may/e ;ust not wor4' /ut you agree that this is your pro/lem and not ours. Fet:s fae it@
software ompanies really don:t are.
Bou are entitled to free support from us and we will try to help you the /est we an. 5f we are too
stupid to help you' sorry' at least we tried. 6urthermore' this liense was not opied or adapted from
any other lienses and for this reason is li4e the software it tries to protet' ould /e faulty.
Version !.0.1.1" #$une %r&' "!11(
Go history reorded.
Version !.!.1.1) #$une *th' "!11(
Gew Configuration file for twea4ing it a little.
Version !.1.).1)5 #$uly 5th' "!11(
Gew .ptions dialog
Gew A/out dialog
Gow you an hange memory minimi2ation rate
Faunh 6irefo7 9Cafe $ode< when 6iremin starts
6irefo7 .ptimi2ation funtion 9uses CHFite vauum for data/ases<
Version !.%.5.%51 #+ay 15th' "!1"(
Gow detets 6iremin folder aess permissions and writes settings to 5G5 file and >egistry respetively.
Version !.%.,.%,! #+ay 15th' "!1"(
Gew Ipdate .ption
Version !.%.,.%,5 #+ay "5th' "!1"(
Come lin4 Ipdates
Version !.%.,.%,) #+ay "*' "!1"(
>emoved the update option /eause our server was getting a little overloaded.

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