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Mme Finot

Collge Buffon 2012-2013

The 10 major rules in the English class

1. You must be polite.
2. You have to be serious and make efforts.
3. You have to be on time.
4. You cant speak French, unless the teacher allows it.
5. You must keep quiet (= you mustnt speak without authorization.)
6. You can raise your hand to participate if the teacher agrees.
7. You should always have your English material in class.
8. You have to learn your lessons BY HEART for every class, do your homework
and write the lessons in class.
9. You should be interested in cultural events, exhibitions, movies,
architecture, music, fashion, etc
10. Most importantly, you should Enjoy English !

New vocab :

New structures:

Auxiliaires Modaux..

Signature of the pupil :

Signature of the parents :

(Votre enfant doit tre capable de vous traduire ces
rgles qui sont apprendre comme une leon.)

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