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Dear Cecilia M alm strm , you m ay need 5 yes to pass the test and becom e EU Trade Com m issioner:

W ill your trade policy defend dem ocracy as a universal value , as defined by the Lisbon Treaty?

>> W ill you fully inform the European Parliam ent and European Citizens at all stages of negotiating
procedure of trade agreem ents like the TTIP i.e. publish t he mandat e and negot iat ing t e xt s? W ill you
im pose this on negotiating partners, as a pre-condition for negotiations to start or continue?

>> W ill you r espect the record 1 4 9 .0 0 0 EU Cit ize ns and organizat ions w ho took the tim e to answ er the
Com m issions public consultation on Investor-to-State arbitration (ISDS), of w hich the vast m ajority
said no t o t he undemocr at ic ISDS clause in TTIP and CETA, and t ake ISDS out of those texts?

>> W ill you com m it to participatory dem ocracy as proclaim ed by the Lisbon Treaty by r e vising t he
decision of the European Com m ission to r eject t he European Cit izen Init iat ive on the TTIP and CETA,
and give a chance t o t he public de bat e on those far reaching historic deals?

>> W ill you pr ot ect de mocracy from being capt ure d by pr ivat e int e rest s, by w ithdraw ing or strongly
and openly revising, the regulatory coherenceprovisions of CETA and TTIP, to avoid that European
regulations are co- wr it t en by t ransat lant ic business associat ions to the detrim ent of our rights?

>> W ill you support a m ore dem ocratic and inform ed debate around trade policy, as has been done on
financial policies w ith Finance W atch, by supporting the se t - up of a Trade W at ch project , an
independent w atch-dog to be t t er monit or EU t rade policie s ?*
* This could help settle argum ents like w hen the Com m ission claim s TTIP w ill create 0,5% grow th over 10 years
and w e state TTIP w ill destroy 1 m illion jobs


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