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Cleaning the local environment and helping Dallas youth

Scott Eiting
Faraz Noshahi
Jeremy Pawlinski
Erin Spence
Mike Stemke

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Funding for the Texas State Public schools is based on three main sources: local school district
property taxes, state funds, and federal funds. The majority of the state funding comes from local
property taxes collected by the school districts. The funding of public schools in Texas is
administered through states Foundation School Program (FSP). The FSP establishes the amount
of state and local funding in the school districts. The program is administered by the Texas
Education Agency (TEA). The Basic Allotment and number of students in average daily
attendance are used to calculate the districts Tier I entitlement. The daily attendance is
calculated by attendance of instructional days of the year. (TEA, 2013).

The advancement in technology in the DISD school districts is drastically changing and
improving. There is a massive state-of-the-art information technology that is available in the
Dallas ISD. This new system allows teachers to access information and services, such as online
tests, teleconferences with other classes and around the world. There is also free wireless internet
for students that is managed, secured and controlled through the schools. The new system is
using the new fiber optic network that is highly advanced and expensive. However, since these
utilities are not currently available in all of the schools across the district, we have carefully
selected these four schools as shown below: Spruce High School, L.G. Prinkston High School,
W.W. Samuell High School, Bryan Adams High School.

W.W. Samuell High School
Spruce High School
L.G. Pinkston High School
Bryan Adams High School
(DISD Trustee Districts, 2011)


At Hewlett Packard, we are dedicated through our goals to achieving results through teamwork
and promoting meaningful innovation. We care about our community and truly believe that our
young generation has future leaders that could revolutionize the industry of technology. Not only
do these students need technology at their schools, they deserve the opportunity to take a piece of
that technology home with them, which essentially also creates an outlet for proving
responsibility and success. (HP, 2013).

HP is pairing up with Dallas ISD in helping the underprivileged schools by hosting and funding
the program, Trash for Cash. Trash for Cash is essentially a two-month contest based program.
We believe that this program will effectively increase school attendance and graduation rate,
decrease the DISD dropout rate, as well as cleaning up our parks and community.


Hewlett Packard began in 1939 in a California garage during the Great Depression, and with this
new garage-based company came a world of possibilities and innovation. Since HP is
headquartered in the Dallas/Fort Worth metropolitan area, we feel it is necessary to help out and
promote the well-being of our community. (HP, 2013)

The National Dropout Prevention Center for America states that even though there is an increase
in the amount of households and classrooms with internet connection, simply having the
connection is not good enough. There is a risk involved with the outdated technology that is
present within the Dallas/Fort Worth area especially DISD. The expected benefits of updated
technology being promoted in underfunded school districts are:

Providing an alternative learning method to at-risk students
Preparing students for the skilled workforce
Creating a more individual approach for teaching
Getting students excited about the learning environment
Promoting creativity in students innovative abilities (Boe, 1989).

Due to a money-laundering fraud done by former chief of technology for DISD back in 2005,
Texas education was cut from the 7% of federal funding that is allocated to all 50 states.
Because of technical or mechanical errors that went against the laws on requests for technology
bids in public schools, the school district has had a delay and/or loss of over $30 million, and
another $10 million because of recent errors with E-rate. E-rate is a Schools and Library Program
that is directly appointed by the FCC (Federal Communications Commission). (Hagg, 2012).

Furthermore, the National Science Foundation (NSF) reported that schools that had at least 75%
of their students identified as meeting the eligibility requirements for the Free /Reduced Lunch

Program had a higher ratio of students in attendance per computer that is equipped with internet.
According to the study done by the NSF, The ratio of students to Internet-accessible computers
reached 6.8:1, compared with 4.9:1 in schools with fewer than 35 percent eligible students.

The figures for minority enrollments show a similar difference: a 6.4:1 ratio for schools with 50
percent or more minority enrollment versus a 4.7:1 ratio in schools with 5 percent or less
minority enrollment. (Kleiner and Farris 2002). This also does not account for those lower
income or minority-majority schools that are accounted for as having internet-accessible
computers, but so severely outdated that it reduces the efficiency of the amount of work that can
be completed on those computers. When comparing the graduation rate between the state levels
of Texas, and that of Dallas ISD, there has historically been a significant gap in-between the two.
Although that gap is closing in, there is still improvement to be made. This gap between state
and local levels went from being a difference in graduation rate of 15.5% in 2007, to 8.6% in
2011. Almost half of the rate cut in half! (Dallas ISD map).

In our efforts to improve technology for DISD, we hope to bridge this gap and bring high school
completion rates closer to the state average. Our initiative is to make the graduation rate for
Dallas ISD a hallmark for all of the other school districts in Texas. When we successfully bring a
solution to this local problem, we also hope that it is noticed by other organizations so that the
solution can be spread onto a state and national level.


HPs Cash for Trash campaign aims to raise awareness of how underfunding of technology
affects certain schools in the Dallas ISD; as well provide immediate financial help for these
schools. We are partnering with the City of Dallas Green initiative department to set up a
program that deals with cleaning up parks within the city; the amount of success each school has
with this program will be our basis for rewards. Every school will be receiving a reward, but the
proportion each school receives is directly correlated with the amount of trash picked up. We
also expect an increase in sales due to certain advertising techniques to promote our event.

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HP relies on new and fresh innovation ideas from our new college grads. Students start to
formulate ideas of what they want to do academically in their high school years, and we want
them to consider HP as a future option. By attacking underfunding of technology in these
schools, we will provide the tools necessary for these students to have a proper education and
possibly choose the proper education fields to work at a company such as HP.
HP utilizes teamwork from identifying a problem, to completion of a solution. We strongly
believe by having students work together to better their schools, they will develop a work ethic
suitable for higher education.
Combining these values, we strongly recommend our program because we feel it will raise
awareness of underfunding for these schools and create goodwill for our company. This will
address the social need for quality equipment for these schools; we hope the state of Texas will
see the support gathered for this program and will consider raising the limit of funding for these
schools based on the support given.

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We request the use of company funds, employees, resources, brand name advertising, and
support of the Trash for Cash campaign. We will have four park clean up areas in Dallas for
which the bottom four lowest funded schools will compete on collecting trash. The City of
Dallas has agreed to provide bus transportation for the students involved as well as trash
collection and weight services. The prizes from the schools range from two, fully furnished
computer labs to an HP cash credit for products the school deem necessary. While the students
gather trash, they will also be working on a project that involves creating art from trash to sell at
a silent auction to raise funds for scholarships. Part of our marketing plan is to promote an end
of event banquet that awards the schools with prizes. Another part of the banquet is having an
auction where individuals can bid a substantial amount of money for the trash art to help the
schools hand out scholarships for the participating students.


HP will provide the resources needed to carry out the plan for the Trash for Cash event. This will
include the funds needed for:
Advertising and Marketing
Lunch at trash pick-up sites
Location, food, drinks, and staff for auction
Equipment and Supplies
Printing Costs
Rangers game suite
HP will also provide the staff needed for the trash pick-up part of the event. This will come from
volunteers that work at HP. Dallas ISD will provide the transportation needed to get the kids to
and from the trash pick-up sites. We will also utilize some of their own volunteers. Dallas City
Council will provide the transportation for the trash that has been picked up at each pick-up site,
and will handle the waste management.

There are several benefits of the Trash for Cash event for HP. For one it will help keep up with
their competitors that have chosen to go green, such as Apple. Apple has been known to be
environmentally responsible for quite some time, and this event will further close the gap
between HP and Apple. This may be the first step in taking the throne from them.

Another benefit is that there are many bright students in the Dallas ISD, however the potential is
limited due to lack of technology. With our help, we can provide these intelligent students with
the technology needed to reach their potential. Computer software engineering, and IT are
growing industries for students to pursue. Many of these students will likely pursue a career in
that, and they will remember who helped them start their educational journey when their
potential was restricted. When it comes time for them to apply for jobs, they will feel a sense of
loyalty and bring their talents to HP, instead of Apple, Dell, etc.

HP is headquartered in the Dallas area, therefore it will receive direct publicity from this event
by helping the students and parks of Dallas. There is no better publicity than having community
events in your own area, since many people from Dallas work there, and it is helping peoples
families to reach their potential, and allow the children of Dallas to have clean parks to play.
People will recognize HP is a good company to buy from, and work for.

Every college student needs one piece of equipment more than anything else, and that is a laptop.
Laptops, along with printers and other technological equipment, are a necessity for a successful
college student. When it comes time for the students of Dallas ISD to go to college, they will
need to purchase this equipment. Where will they go? HP. They will have already known how to
navigate HP computers and printers, making it convenient for them to purchase an HP laptop.

They will also remember who helped their school in providing their computer labs, or
scholarship money. They will feel that sense of loyalty, and yet again this will be another punch
to the stomach to our competitors.

We have recently been investigated for accounting fraud dealing with the acquisition of
Autonomy Corporation in 2011. This investigation has caused HP to be viewed in a negative
way with unethical practices. This program will clean up our image, and take a step forward to
build trust with our stakeholders again.

In order for a multinational company to remain competitive in todays market, it must follow the
system of sustainability. There are three pillars of sustainability, which are economic, social, and
environmental responsibilities. With this project we are adding value to the community socially,
and environmentally. Applying those two pillars will only raise the value of our company
financially. Moving forward towards sustainability, we will remain aggressive among our
competitors by being responsible to not only our shareholders, but our stakeholders as well.
Caring about profits, people, and the planet in equal measures should be our priority.

HP will invest in the future of our environment, children, education, and company. We will not
only make our company a better place, but make the world a better place.

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HP will feature radio commercials on NPR 90.1 during rush hour traffic between the hours of
5:00 PM and 7:00 PM during the work week. This will help spread the word about the events we
are holding for the community, and inform professionals to come out for the auction.

We will also create various social media sites. We will create a Twitter, and have the people who
are participating in the event retweet a tweet from the account that says #Trash4Cash, along
with brief description of the event and the cause we are helping. People will see it and it will lead
them to the profile created, where they can find out more information. People can follow the
account in order to receive updates. We will also create a Facebook page to help inform people
of the events taking place. People may visit the page to learn about the cause, why we are doing,
and what they can do to partake. LinkedIn is also another social media site we will utilize. We
will have someone from HP send invites to various professionals in the Dallas area who are
acquaintances or friends of HP executives. This will bring people to the auction who have the
drive to help the community, and the funds to donate.

HP will link with retail stores that sell HP products, and give them brochures with information
about the events to give to all customers who buy HP products. This will let customers know
what we are doing, and how HP is looking to help the community, giving them more of a reason
to buy our products. It will also inform the customers of the art auction, so that they may attend.

There will be flyers distributed at PTA meetings of various DISD schools. Parents of children
who attend DISD schools will also receive an email that informs them of the events. This will
spread the word to parents, who may decide to attend the auction and also see that HP is there for
the community, and wants to enhance the lives of the children in the Dallas area.

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August 15
, 2014 Deadline for DISD schools to apply for Trash Pick-Ups
November 15
, 2014 Have sponsors set for food, Rangers game, art auction, waste
management etc.
January 1
, 2015 Deadline for students to apply for Trash Pick-Ups
March 15
, 2015 Selection of 15 students per school for Trash-Pick Ups
March 31
, 2015 Deadline for teachers, and other school personnel to volunteer for
Trash Pick-Ups
April 5
, 2015 Deadline for HP employees to volunteer for Trash Pick-Up
April 6
, 2015 Acquire bins, bags, scales, etc. for trash competition

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4/18/2014, 4/25/2014, 5/2/2014, 5/9/2014
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9:15 A.M. DISD bus pick-up
10:00 A.M. Start Trash Pick-Up
1:00 P.M. Lunch starts to be served. End Trash Pick-Up
2:00 P.M. Start working on Trash for Cash artwork
3:00 P.M. DISD bus depart
4 Schools rotate at 4 different locations
Winner of competition will be announced on 5/9/2015
Art Auction will be held on 5/23/2015 at 4PM at the Dallas Convention Center

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May 23
, 2015 Give away individual prizes to students and scholarship funds to schools
at Art Auction
June 15
, 2015 Start set-up of computer labs at appropriate schools
July 11
, 2015 Rangers game outing for HP volunteers and family
August 15
, 2015 Have all computer labs completely set-up and functioning for new school


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4:00 P.M. Doors open, cocktails are served
5:00 P.M. Present schools and students with prizes
5:30 P.M. Auction starts
6:30 P.M. Auction ends, foot and mingling
9:00 P.M. Event ends


The Scuba Steves will be partnering with HP and Groundwork Dallas to staff and supply the 1)
creek clean up events and the 2) Trash for Cash silent auction.

The creek clean ups will be staffed partly by HP; its our recommendation that HP supplies at
least 3 paid volunteers per creek clean up (there are a total of 4 creek cleanups; meaning well
need a total of at least 12 HP volunteers). The HP employees will be using hand scales to weigh
the trash bags that the students bring back to the designated drop zones; that is their sole

The rest of the creek clean up will be staffed by Groundwork Dallas volunteers, as well as parent
chaperones from the schools involved in the project. It would be ideal for the schools to supply at
least one art teacher as a volunteer per school to aid the students in creating the art for the Trash
for Cash silent auction. Each student group should have at least one school volunteer, whether
that be an employee or parent chaperone. The more volunteers the merrier so we do not put a cap
on how many school employees or parents can attend.

Students will be rewarded with volunteer catalog hours that they can then put on college
applications as well as their own resumes. Our volunteers will also be given free refreshments
and fed lunch at the cleanups as part of our gratitude for them coming out. HP employees will be
rewarded with paid vacation days per each creek clean up they volunteer for and with tickets to a
Rangers game where they will all be situated in a party suite.

Caterers will staff the Trash for Cash banquet during the silent auction. There will also be an
auctioneer at the auction to auction off the four main art pieces (one from each school). The
auctioneer will be paid via commission (10%) from the pieces he sells.


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Marketing Brochures $800
NPR Radio spot to promote Trash for Cash $0

Staffing 12 HP employees for trash site (3 per site) $0
Texas Rangers game suite for Employees and
Trash for Cash Art Auction volunteers $0
Trash for Cash Auctioneer (commission) 10%
School bus transportation $0
Compensation for workers (4 vacation days per
employee, $100 per day)
Staffing Total $11,800

Event Food- $250 per site (4 sites, 4 weekends) $4,000
T-Shirts for students ($10 per student) $600
Tables, chairs, water, event schedules $1,000
Trash bags, trash grabbers, gloves, first-aid $0
Five trash weight scales ($25 per scale) $125
Trash collection service from City of Dallas
Trash weight/storage by city of Dallas (Donation) $0
Trash for Cash event costs (food, auctioneer,
location rent)
Trash for Cash employee $0
Event Total $20,275

Prizes 1
Place: 2 fully furnished HP computer labs
($22,000 per)
Place: 1 fully furnished HP computer lab
Place: HP credit for 30% off ($20,000) $20,000
Place: HP credit for 30% off ($15,000) $15,000
Prizes Total $101,000

Total Costs $134,325

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We request $134,325 for our Trash for Cash project which takes place from April 18th-May
, 2015with an auction banquet on May 23
2015. Our proposal tackles a huge problem with
technology underfunding in the Dallas ISD. By HP helping schools gain the proper equipment
for their schools, students may be energized and become interested in subjects such as math,
science, and engineering. The campaign will promote goodwill and positive publicity for HP that
could lead to future partnership with various clients.

I, Meg Whitman, approve the proposed project and authorize company employees to be used as
labor force for this project.

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1. Boe, T. (1989). The next step for educators and the technology industry: Investing in teachers.
Educational Technology, 29(3), 39-44. Retrieved from

In text: (Boe, 1989).

2. Dallas ISD's graduation and dropout rates cut gaps against state average. (2011, January 1). .
Retrieved March 16, 2014, from

In Text: (Dallas ISD Maps)

3.Hagg, M. (2012, September 12). Dallas isd says $10 million screw-up cost district dearly on
federal tech funds. Retrieved from

In Text: (Hagg, 2012)

4. HP (2013). HP Corporate Objectives and Shared Values. Available at:

In Text (HP, 2013)

5. Kleiner, A., and E. Farris. 2002. Internet Access in U.S. Public Schools and Classrooms:
19942001. NCES 2002018. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, National Center
for Education Statistics.

In text: (Kleiner and Farris 2002).

6. Maps of Board Districts . (2011, January 1). Dallas ISD - Trustee Districts . Retrieved March
15, 2014, from

in Text: (DISD Trustee Districts, 2011)

7.Science Board, N. (n.d.). Information technology in schools. Retrieved from

In Text: (National Science Board)


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8. School Finance 101: Funding of Texas Public Schools. (2013). Austin, Texas: Texas
Education Agency (TEA), Office of School Finance.

In text (TEA, 2013)

9. Bandly, M. (2012, April 16). All about auctions and auctioneers, with observations on auction
law and common practice. Retrieved April 27, 2014, from mikebrandlyauctioneer:
10. Texas Rangers Suites. (n.d.). Retrieved April 27, 2014, from
In text (both 9&10 are in the budget table and not listed in text)

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