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Live Project Construction Sector

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Skill Gap Analysis

Construction Sector
Live Project Construction Sector
The Construction ndustry in ndi! is !"ongst the country#s "ost vi$r!nt !nd
$oo"ing sectors. n recent ye!rs% this sector h!s gro&n !t tre"endous r!tes.
A 'e& (ey '!cts !$out this (ey sector !re !s 'ollo&s)
The si*e o' the Construction ndustry tod!y is over +, 2%4-%000 crore.
t gener!tes e"ploy"ent 'or over .. "illion people in ndi!.
/ro" 2000 to 200-% the sector h!s gro&n !t ! r!te o' over 110.
1o&ever% l!rge p!rts o' this industry re"!in unorg!ni*ed. There is ! l!c( o'
!ny de2ned c!reer p!th or structured tr!ining &ithin this sector. There is very
li"ited cl!rity !$out the re3uired voc!tion!l s(ills !nd 3u!li2c!tions th!t !n
individu!l c!n develop in order to enter !nd su$se3uently gro& &ithin this
high gro&th sector.
4ith the ne& 5overn"ent% there h!s $een ! strong 'ocus on n'r!structure
6evelop"ent% !s ! "e!ns 'or driving gro&th. Addition!lly% this 5overn"ent
h!s pl!ced ! high v!lue on s(ill develop"ent. Co"$ining $oth these pill!rs
'or gro&th% the 5overn"ent o' ndi! !nd v!rious St!te 5overn"ents h!ve
eng!ged the services o' Accenture to conduct ! project on the !n!lysis o'
e7isting !nd re3uired s(ills &ithin the Construction ndustry. This project o'
n!tion!l i"port!nce &ill help !ddress the t&in go!ls o' in'r!structure led
gro&th !nd !ctu!li*!tion o' the de"ogr!phic dividend.
Overall Project Scope:
The over!ll indic!tive !ppro!ch to $e 'ollo&ed 'or this eng!ge"ent is !s
Phase 1 (As-Is Assessment of the Construction Industry): This
&ould 'ocus on underst!nding si*e% pro2le !nd (ey su$8sectors o' the
Construction Sector. Aspects li(e projected gro&th r!te% si*e o'
&or('orce 'or speci2c jo$ roles% e7isting c!reer p!th !nd !nticip!ted
ch!nges in e"ploy"ent p!tterns &ill $e !ssessed. /urther% ! d!t!$!se
o' e7isting tr!ining courses !nd institutes 9voc!tion!l !nd !c!de"ic:
'or the construction sector &ill $e prep!red to underst!nd (ey s(ills
th!t !re !lre!dy $eing developed. The !i" o' this e7ercise &ill $e to
3u!nti'y ! de"!nd8supply g!p o' s(illed "!npo&er 'or e!ch (ey jo$
role identi2ed.
Phase 2 (Deep Dive for Occupations): This ph!se &ill involve !
co"prehensive study o' jo$ roles% c!reer p!ths% gro&th !venues%
e"ploy"ent opportunities 'or the youth% etc.
Copyright 2014 Accenture All rights reserved.
Live Project Construction Sector
Phase 3 (unctiona! "e#uirement Ana!ysis): This det!iled !n!lysis
&ill 'ocus on t!s(s to $e per'or"ed $y !n individu!l in e!ch (ey jo$
role; occup!tion 'or the sector. An underst!nding o' <&h!t ! person is
e7pected to do# 'or"s the $!sis 'or the s(ills !nd (no&ledge re3uired
$y !n individu!l to per'or" !t ! high level in the sector.
Phase $ (%&A Ana!ysis): This is the 2n!l lin( to co"plete !
co"prehensive S(ill 5!p An!lysis !s envis!ged in the ph!se 1 o' the
project. This ph!se &ould $uild on !ll the previous ph!se to co"e up
&ith st!nd!rdi*!tion !cross the identi2ed jo$ roles in ter"s o' &h!t !n
individu!l is e7pected to do !s p!rt o' the jo$% !nd &ould then $uild on
the =no&ledge% S(ills !nd A$ilities 9=SA: re3uired to $e !$le to per'or"
the jo$. This &ill $e o' gre!t v!lue 'or the 5overn"ent &hile
'or"ul!ting tr!ining courses in the 'uture 'or this sector !nd "!(e the
people in the sector &orld8cl!ss so th!t they !re good enough to t!(e
c!re o' the r!pid industri!li*!tion th!t the country is e7pected to see in
the co"ing ye!rs to co"e.
In order to complete any of the above analysis, all participants
within the Live Project will have to engage with key stakeholders in
the State from industry (large scale frms and S!s" and training
providers of courses catering to the #onstruction Sector$
%e would also be conducting a few workshops across some of the
major cities and the students working on the project may be asked
to join these workshops$
Rules & Regulations:
Te!" o' > people
niti!l shortlisting o' >8? te!"s $!sis the 1 p!ge synopsis su$"itted $y
the te!". Synopsis should cont!in the over!ll !ppro!ch ; "ethodology
th!t the te!" "!y &!nt to !dopt 'or the delivery o' the project
Cru7 c!n schedule ! $rie' c!ll &ith 1i"!nshu @oshi; Pr!n!y Aery%
Accenture to cle!r the dou$ts th!t students "!y h!ve $e'ore
su$"itting the 1 p!ge synopsis. This c!n $e scheduled !t ! "utu!lly
convenient ti"e.
/in!lly 182 te!"s &ould $e selected to p!rticip!te in this live project
Indicative Timelines:
&e!ection for the Pro'ect
Su$"ission o' Synopsis9Bver!ll Appro!ch ; Cethodology:) ()D
Telephonic !ssess"ent o' Top >8? Synopsis !long &ith the
Present!tion) ()D
/in!l 6ecl!r!tion o' the Te!" 9s: to do the project) ()D
Pro'ect (ime!ines
Copyright 2014 Accenture All rights reserved.
Live Project Construction Sector
Since this is !s live ! project !s one c!n get% the indic!tive ti"elines
!re !s indic!ted $elo& !nd &ould !ppreci!te !ll the selected te!"s to
stic( to the ti"elines. This is very i"port!nt !s $eing ! live
eng!ge"entD &e !lso h!ve set de!dlines 'or the deliver!$les
As8s Assess"ent o' the Construction ndustry) 31
6eep 6ive An!lysis 'or Bccup!tions) 31
/unction!l ,e3uire"ent An!lysis) 1,
=SA An!lysis) E
Suggestive sources of information:
St!te 5overn"ent ndustri!l 6evelop"ent Corpor!tion ; nvest"ent
6ep!rt"ent o' Technic!l Fduc!tion 'or St!te 5overn"ent
Copyright 2014 Accenture All rights reserved.

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