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Ecosystem Notes
!"#$%"% Place where an organism lives and that provides the things the organism
&'()$(* , a group oI similar organisms that can mate with one another to produce
-.'/0"%$.1 all the members oI one species in a particular area
2.33/1$%4 the diIIerent populations that live together in an area
5).*4*%(3 Living and non-living things that interact in a particular area
The tvpe oI place an organism lives is the ecosystem, the speciIic part oI the
ecosystem that meets the organism`s needs is its habitat:
Forest Ecosvstem woodpeckers habitat is different from that of a
6$.%$) 7")%.8* the living parts oI an ecosystem
9#$.%$) 7")%.8* the nonliving parts oI an ecosystem
Examples. water, oxvgen, and sunlight
5).0.:4 study oI how living things interact with one another and with their

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