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Marination For Mushroom:-

Mushroom-400 gms (cut into halved or quarter depending on their size.)
Salt to taste
Turmeric Powder-1/4 tsp
Tandoori Masala powder-1/4 tsp (any brand)

For Gravy:-

Cashews -8 - 10 ,(soaked in milk for 30 minutes and then ground to a very fine paste add little milk)
Butter / Oil-2 tsp + 1 tbsp
Cumin Seeds-2 pinches
Whole spices :-
cloves-3 nos
Cinnamon-1/2 inch stick
Ginger-1/4 inch (chopped)
Garlic-4 nos (chopped)
Onions-1/2 large (sliced)
Tomatoes-1.5 large (chopped)
Red chilli powder-3/4 tsp
Tandoori Masala Powder-3/4 tsp
Kasoori Methi -1/2 tsp (Crushed)
Sugar-1 or 2 pinch
Whole Milk / Half and half / Fresh Cream-1/4 -1/2 cup
Salt to taste
Corineder Leaves-1 tbsp (chopped)


Mariante the mushroom pieces with salt,turmeric powder and tandoori masala powder.Set aside for
15 minutes.

Heat 1 tbsp butter in heavy bottomed pan at medium heat.Add the cumin seeds and whole
spices.Saute for 3 -4 seconds.Add chopped ginger,garlic and sliced onions.

Saute until onions starts turning light golden.Add chopped tomato pieces.Saut until tomato turns
mushy and oil starts separting,about 8 - 10 minutes.

Add chilli powder,tandoori masala powder.Saute for a minute or until their raw smell is gone and
switch off.Set aside to cool . Once cooled , grind to a smooth paste.

Heat 2 - 3 tsp oil / butter in the same pan and shallow fry the mushroom pieces for 5 -6 minutes or
until dry.Add the ground tomato-onion mixture.Mix well. Add 3/4 cup water and salt mix well, bring
to a boil.
Add cashew paste and cook for a few minutes at medium-low flame.Add crushed kasoori methi and 1
-2 pinches of sugar,if using.Mix well.

Finally add milk or cream and mix.Cook for 5 minutes at low heat and switch off.

Garnish with chopped coriander leaves.Serve with pulav or naan ...

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