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Satrio Widianto Grade 6

Type of text: Descriptive.

Topic: Jakarta.

Title: Jakartas Qualities.

Author: Satrio Widianto

Topic Sentence: Jakarta is my prized city because it has
exclusive qualities.

Introduction Paragraph: Jakarta is a city in marsh places
with small water reservoirs and rivers. Jakartas culture
includes legendary stories, cultural entertainment,
music, dance, drama, wedding ceremony and
circumcision ceremony. Jakartas economics are
improved by business and tourism.

Big Idea One: The big ideas are climates and earth

Topic Sentence of Big Idea One: Jakarta is a city in marsh
places with small water reservoirs and rivers.

Supporting Sentences of Big Idea One: The earth surface
of Jakarta includes seas, lakes and rivers. The climates in
Jakarta include monsoon and tropical climates. The
average temperature range in Jakarta is 33 Celsius.
There are 5 cities and 1 regency in Jakarta; they are West
Jakarta, Central Jakarta, South Jakarta, North Jakarta,
East Jakarta and Thousand Islands.

Big Idea Two: The big ideas are legendary stories,
cultural entertainment, music, dance, drama, wedding
ceremony and circumcision ceremony.

Topic Sentence of Big Idea Two: There are a lot of
different and unique cultures in Jakarta.

Supporting Sentences of Big Idea Two: Some of the
legendary stories of Jakarta are called Si Pitung and Si
Jampang. Some of the cultural entertainments of Jakarta
are called Pletokan and Sutil. Some of the music in
Jakarta are called Jali-Jali and Keroncong Kemayoran.
Some of the dances from Jakarta are called Tari Yapong
and Tari Cokek. Some of the dramas from Jakarta are
called Lenong dan Tonil. Traditional wedding clothes of
Jakarta are derived from Arab and Chinese culture. The
circumcision ceremony was derived from Arab culture.

Big Idea Three: The big ideas are business and tourism.

Topic Sentence of Big Idea Three: The economic in
Jakarta is improved from business and tourism.

Supporting Sentences of Big Idea Three: The business in
Jakarta is from the products of electronics, automotive,
chemicals, mechanical engineering and biomedical
sciences manufacturing sectors. Some of the tourism
spots are Telaga Arwana Cibubur and Kebun Binatang

Concluding Sentence: Jakarta is my prized city because it
has exclusive qualities.

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