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The fruit fly

The fruit fly is one of the major pests

causes losses in fruit; are more than 200
types of fruit that occurs worldwide.

Biological cycle

The results in the control of this pest depends
knowledge of their life cycle, behavior
tion and identification of their hosts.

The female fly once pollinated lays its eggs
under the skin of the fruit in groups of 10 to 12
which will be developed over a period of 2-7
days and then, emerge as larvae.

The larva (or caterpillar) is elongated and
measures 10 mm
in length. It is white or yellowish white and
has a period lasting 6 to 11 days for urging
pair. The larvae of fruit flies feed on
fruit pulp causing rotting.

The pupa is a cylindrical capsule and
can last between 9-15 days if
conditions are suitable
(temperature and humidity) or extended using
be longer if these conditions
are not optimal.

Adults fly fruit out of the pupa in
search of water and food
They reach sexual maturity
4 to 5 days after emerge from the pupa.

The males are grouped together to attract
females. to
therefore require shade trees with broad
The female to male group observes and
chooses one,
with whom he performed and multiply mating.

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