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Mr. Matthew Hubert

The importance of Mathematics
"The ability to think mathematically is very important for all members of a modern society: for its
use in the workplace; personal and family business; and to help one make rational decisions
about the many risks we face in our lives. To this end, we endeavour to make the topics studied
at school as relevant to real-life situations as possible. Mathematics is also fundamental to
national prosperity: it helps in the understanding of science, engineering, technology and
finance the key ingredients of a successful modern economy. Mathematics equips pupils with
uniquely powerful ways to describe, analyse and to change the world for the better."

To develop skills in:
Shape, Space and Measures
Data Handling
and to be able to apply these confidently in a range of contexts.

Course outline
Students at Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 and 9) follow a National Curriculum course incorporating
the Mathematics Framework from the Key Stage 3 Strategy. This is delivered through the
Oxford Maths Links scheme. Students follow a text book based course, supplemented by a
range of additional materials. Work is differentiated to meet the needs of each individual
student. The text book they work from depends upon prior attainment. This ensured that the
work is both manageable and challenging, providing both continuity and progression.
The text book used in Year 9 are:
Oxford Maths Links 9B (Consolidation of National Curriculum Level 6, some work at Level
See the contents page of your childs text book for more specific details of the topics covered.
Students are expected to have a Scientific calculator (not Graphic Display) such as one from the
Casio Natural Display range.

Students are assessed throughout the year on a wide range of homework tasks. In addition to
this they are tested on each chapter of work from the text book. The final report is based on the
following criteria:
Knowledge and Understanding
Communication (use of mathematical language and forms of representation)
Independent Reflection and Reflection
Summative Tests

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