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Instructions for Mayflower Compact, Fundamental Orders, and House of Burgesses paper

1. Read the primary source document The Mayflower Compact and mark the text. Circle terms
you dont understand, high-light main ideas, and make margin notes
2. Discuss with partner why you high-lighted what you did.
3. Answer the following questions in your notebook:
In what two presences is this document being signed?
The signers promise to covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil body
politic. What does it mean to covenant and combine"?
What do the signers mean by civil body politic?
What will the civil body politic do from time to time?
Why do the signers say they need to do this?
What do the signers promise?
4. Read the primary source document The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut and mark the text.
Circle terms you dont understand, high-light main ideas, and make margin notes.
5. Discuss with partner why you high-lighted what you did.
6. Answer the following questions in your notebook:
What is meant by where a people are gathered together the word of God requires
that to maintain the peace and union of such a people there should be an orderly and
decent Government established according to God?
What is meant by associate and connive ourselves to be as one Public State or
Commonwealthto be guided and governed according to such Laws, Rules, Orders and
decrees as shall be made, ordered & decreed?
What is being said in Order #1?
What is being said in Order #4?
What is being said in Order #5?
What is being said in Order #7?
7. Read the interpretations of both the Mayflower Compact and the Fundamental Orders.
8. Read the secondary source about the Virginia House of Burgesses and mark the text while you
read. Circle terms you dont understand, high light the main ideas, and make margin notes.
9. Discuss with partner why you high-lighted what you did.
10. Answer the following questions in your notebook:
How did the London Company go about trying to attract more settlers to Virginia?
Briefly describe the basic structure of the House of Burgesses.
What was the ultimate function of the House of Burgesses?
How can we see the democratic ideals that are directly linked to a limited monarchy in
the Virginia House of Burgesses?

Homework: Write a 1-1 page paper explaining the similarities between the Mayflower Compact, the
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut, and the Virginia House of Burgesses.
Papers should include at least three (3) quotes from the primary source documents, and one from the
secondary sourcedont quote the interpretations.
Paper should have an introduction (including a thesis), two to three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

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