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Kaumron Eidgahy

Mrs. Smolonsky
Photography 1: Period 1
24 September 2014
Photo Write 9/24/14

This photograph captures a group of Sandhill Cranes in a small kettle pond at
dusk in Wisconsin. Firstly, there are many straight lines in the stalks of grass around the
cranes and in the pond. Also, the lines and their reflections form geometric shapes in the
picture. The middle crane standing in front of the other creates a sense of perspective and
depth. The texture of the crane is smooth contrasting with the wet texture of the water.
Additionally, the image is nearly symmetrical creating a sense of visual balance. Placing
the crane in between the others in the shot creates a focal point. By getting relatively
close to the birds, the photographer fills the frame if the photograph. The photographer
was also very aware of the background using the pond to add to the story and the overall
effect of the picture.

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