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Neccessity Based and Opportunity -Based
Neccesity based hawkers
Most of people think that business ,is a company with a big profit and have many
employees but in reality not always like it. Hawkwer is one example of businees but
this business is Nesccesity based , in the same way the person suspending this
business to maintain his family life. Mr. Kumis (Tata Suhendang) is business man that
encourage by neccesity based ,he is a hawker in simpang market. He built his
business in 1980 until now. His business sell many kinds of mineral water and
cigarete also coffe . Mr kumis sell his goods with making stall on the dago roadside
and only had one employee. Everday he buying her goods from big wholesalein
Sedang Serang and Tubagus Ismail street and sell it again to the road users.
Mr kumis just sell his goods in Dago street because several reason , such as : his
experince when he still sell his goods by walking arround Dago street, his age
increase every years and his stamina decrease in the same time but in another side his
family needs always increasing avery day, also in the Dago street his customer can
reach and buy his goods easier. His profit is 1000 rupias every one botle of mineral
water. His turnover can reach arround 0,5 - 1 million every day when buyers was
crowded and i think his revenue still small in a big city like Bandung.

Opportunity based Nasi Goreng Gentayangan
Location of Nasi Goreng Gentayangan is in IR H Juanda street No. 138 (DAGO)
Bandung. The owner chose Dago because in this street give many opportunies to his
business and can give a lot of profit .Nasi Goreng Gentayangan not have a big place
but clean and comfortable so it make the customer come again.
The interior is usuall like in other restaurant but the waitress is so friendly and make
the customer feel comfort to eat the delicious fried rice.
This is unusual and unique restaurant because the owner have good ways to sells his
product by make scary concept in his menu , and the menus booklook like mistery
book but it does not make the costumer scare but interest to come in Nasi Goreng
Gentayangan. Any information say that the owner will make a branch in Jakarta ,i
think its positive way to make this restautrant bigger and give more profit to the
owner and the employees.

What i think about both of them are , a business will run away if we always
hard working and always be creative people to make something new and it can
influence the customer to buy our products. Mr. Kumis can be more succes if he get
more capital and Nasi Goreng Gentayangan can be bigger restaurant if the owner
make a branch soon.So if we make a business we must brave to take risk,optimism,
resilience, and always have sense of urgency,opportunies and chalenge.





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