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-powerful collection of billion dollar brands
-massive global market
-very successful R&D (pampers diapers)
-very diversified portfolio of businesses (beauty, grooming, health care, food etc)
-majority of customer focus is on high-end of the market
-growth is hard to achieve since portfolio is already so diversifed
-must keep track of consumer needs and demands
-social media marketing
-increase awareness for teens using gilette **
-mergers and acquistions (buy small businesses and invest in them to achieve total market share)
-acquire contracts for the exclusive rights to use their brands (ex. team up with cell phone companies to
provide them with duracell batteries to use in their phones)
-poor economic times
-lower generic store brands (wal marts great value)
-high competition
-foreign governemnt interventions

Alternative strategies
LBM location based marketing
uses mobile location to display ads, paid search ads, and other forms of ads to cell phones within a
specific location (ie walmart)
Enter into the underdeveloped teen boy market
use gilette to market towards teens specifically. starting to shave. will build product loyalty. teens also
have heavy peer influence. will influence friends to use p&g products. teens also are heavily tech savvy.
take advantage of this by posting ads on facebook twitter etc.

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