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Three Planks

The first step then, would seem to be to reduce the Party platform to about three planks.
Advice to Labor by a Tory paper

The kind advice of stupid heads
That waste good ink for Tory cheers
A sort of pleasant radiance spreads
About the Labor man who hears,
Three planks! Well, three to start might do.
If nails were driven firmly in,
But if we saw the matter through,
How could the Fat man save his skin?

First plankStop every lying word
The Tories publish in the press
Stop the dull fool who cries absurd
When wrongs are crying for redress.
Compel full truth, severe and plain,
And Labors safe whateer might come,
Though all the Balvinites with pain
Are stricken helpless, dull and dumb.

Plank twoStop greed in every form.
This country yields enough for all.
Full shelter from the greatest storm
And all the ills that may befall.
Party and press, the Tories stand
Against Australia night and day.
this plank alone would save the land
Oh, kick the grasping hand away!

Plank threeStop thief! The robber crew
Have said their say and had their fun.
What have the gained? The skies grew blue,
The battle of mankind is won.
When this plank truly comes in force.
All capital, beneath the ban,
Must stand aside and clear the course
Here comes the honest victorMAN!

Pseudonym of David McKee Wright
Australian Worker 8
June 1927 p.10

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