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Sarah de Jesus

September 1, 2014
Period 3
What is a z-score?
The z-score is the number of standard deviations we are away from the
mean. In the example he uses, he wants to figure out how many standard deviations
36 acorns is away from the mean 24 acorns. If you subtract 24 from 36, you get 12.
The standard deviation, which is how far a number is from the mean of the data set,
was 6, so if you divide 12 by 6, you get a z-score of 2, which translates to 2 standard
deviations away from the mean. A positive z-score means that the number is x
amount of standard deviations ABOVE the mean while a negative z-score means that
the number is x amount of standard deviations BELOW the mean.

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