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Learning experience 14: Continue writing letter and editing

Time: 60 minutes
Classroom organisation: booklets, group collaboration, independent

Curriculum links: Experiment with text structures and language features
and their effects in creating literary texts, for example, using imagery,
sentence variation, metaphor and word choice (ACELT1800)

Investigate how vocabulary choices, including evaluative language can
express shades of meaning, feeling and opinion (ACELA1525)

Learning objectives:
Writing and creating WC6
editing for content, language, visual choices and to enhance meaning

Review and edit own and others writing, using knowledge of editing

1) In this lesson all students MUST begin to edit their letter

2) The teacher will begin by briefly going over some editing concepts and
refer to the assessment rubric
- Grammar and punctuation
- Sentence structure
- Choice of words
3) The teacher will use a random students work as an example and ask
students questions specific to editing

Can you see a spelling error?
Is this correct grammar?
Are these effective choice of words?

4) Students will be split up into their regional groups where they will
independently edit their own work. Once two students in the group
have finished editing they are to switch with a partner and edit their
work. This will give students the opportunity to mark and gain

5) The teacher will inform students that next lesson will be their last
lesson to edit, and that students will be able to type up their letters.

Assessment: Formative: Checking the current work (booklet), Discussion and
Adjustments: Refer to lesson 10s adjustments
Plan, draft and publish texts using strategies including:
sourcing reliable information and recording detailed notes
using features such as full indexes and paragraphs that aid

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