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The Condition of Arts Today.

In my opinion, even if years had gone by, Arts will remain the best way to express or tell history.
It connects the past and the future. Through performing arts, people was able to understand how
people lived a long time ago, it has unique creativity that suits every person not to get bored on learning
and understanding history. Performing Arts relay the culture, faith, situation, history of how people
lived a long time ago. Through Arts, one can visualize the actual scene.
I must say that not so many of us nowadays enjoy watching performing artists. Many had
forgotten hoe arts enriches our lives and how history can change our views to become more effective
individual to the society and our family. With the technology ascending every now and then, people
especially new generation fails to appreciate the beauty of arts especially with the tablets, laptop and
cellphone around. People will just simply rely to google if they are looking for answer about how history
goes a long time ago. Apart from this, people created Arts that are not helpful instead destructive to our
own being like creating porn movies especially online, recording none sense songs and videos that affect
the lifestyle of the new generation.

Reaction Paper:

My reaction to the mixed arts I watched is that it open my eyes to the situation of our society,
environment and how valuable life is. Aside from this, I learned the value of fellowship and friendship
that we might be an instrument to those people who they thought are people with no hope at all. We
can help our fellow change their views in life from negative to positive views.
A lot of the scene stir up my emotions especially when they projected the real situation in
different community, poverty getting worst in our country, violence against our nature, maltreatment to
disabled person, slow justice system in the Philippines like the Maguindanao Massacre wherein a lot of
media people were killed and were not given justice until this time.

To the stage performer, I must say that the performance was very realistic and creative. They
were able to engrave the feelings to their audience that you can actually feel the pain and agony of
those affected.

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