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In 1979, the Rosicrucian Group was in the process of constructing their temple on the Caribbean island

of Grenada, in a place called 'True Blue' when a !ilitant Group too" o#er the island and in the
uphea#al that ensued, their temple building was #andali$ed and burnt% The social climate, at that time,
forced the group to go underground for the safet& of their members% 'ome ma& sa& that it is ironic and
others ma& use the word (timel&(, that the first tele#ised public e#ent of the Rosicrucian )rder,
*!)RC, the annual (!emorial Ceremon&( +formerl& the ,&ramid Ceremon&-, too" place in their
(Botanical Gardens(, on 'eptember .7th, 1999% It is said that, this Caribbean island, Grenada was the
birth place for the Rosicrucian Tradition in the southern part of the Caribbean Region% The ceremon&
was followed b& a call in program with the former Grand Councilor, Christopher Codrington and the
!aster,/oseph 0rancis, on their communit& tele#ision station, !T12Grenada% +3es4 !T1- This #ideo
clip is an abbre#iated #ersion of the ceremon& and it is a tribute to the pioneers, lead b& the late 5%!%
'6uires who tra#eled to Trinidad, with four other members, to sow the seeds of the Rosicrucian
Tradition in that island% 0inall&, Brother 0erdinand Gooding, for his unconditional commitment to the
wor" of The )rder, must be commended for ensuring that the propert& ta7es +True Blue- were "ept up2
to2date at his personal e7pense% The Rosicrucian temple ne#er became a realit& in Grenada%

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