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How can I support my child in this unit of inquiry?

Our experiences help us to understand people

and cultures

Talk to your child about their own personal history,

where they were born, places they have traveled to
and their experiences.

An Inquiry into:
- culture
- personal histories and home cultures
- how our experiences and interac5ons help to build
our understanding of people and cultures

Discuss what you celebrate as a family and why.

Think about how your family celebrates and talk
about any special customs or tradi5ons you have.

- Form: tradi5ons, culture
- Perspec5ve: diversity
- Reec5on: iden5ty
Culture, similar, dierent, customs, tradi5ons,
celebra5ons, beliefs, countries, food

Read and enjoy c5on and non-c5on texts about

places you have visited, your home country, special
events you celebrate etc.
Some ques>ons that may help:
What languages do you speak at home?
What makes your family unique and special?
How does your family spend 5me together?

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