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500 years ago, three fat little pigs were born.

Snorting and having fun with their mum as she

tells them a story about an evil witch and her three slaves. Mother said This is a true story
little younglings. Ohh yay the pigs said. I wouldnt be so excited if I were you Well off
to bed now, goodnight mother said. Ok, goodnight mother they replied.
So they tip-toed off to bed and jumped under their duvet on their comfy beds. Mother
flicked off the light and closed the door slowly and quietly.
Morning came and as the sun rose they were awoken and sang in harmony, Its morning,
its morning. They got up and got changed and out the door they went and skipped to
school. Mother was home alone and afraid that the evil witch would come to her house and
demolish her.
Knock, knock, knock! Mother goes to answer and its a lady who is wearing a black coat and
has a basket full of shiny red apples. Mother asks if she was OK and invites her inside. The
lady walks slowly in but what mother did not know was that she is the evil witch from many
years ago. What a lovely house you have, said the lady with care. Well thank you
mother said happily Would you care for a shiny red apple? the lady asked kindly Thank
you mother replied. Mother took a big bite and slowly started to get weaker and weaker.
HA! HA! HA! HA! Laughed the evil witch. My plan worked Hooray for me and now its
time for the little pigs, hehehe.
After school the piggys came home only to see their mother on the floor. Oh no! What
happened mother? Mother was too weak to talk We shall find who done this to you and
punish them They put mother on the couch and let her rest. Suddenly they hear a rustle in
the bushes just outside the window. They pack their gear and head out to follow the noise
which was leading to the forest. They walked and walked until they saw a house and
wondered why there was a house so far in the middle of the forest. They knocked on the
door and the door opens slowly but no one is at door. They look and hunt for clues. One of
the little pigs yells out I found something and its a ladder leading down to a basement.
They go down, one by one and they find an alley and they follow it. It leads to a big emerald
city and they go inside. Get your weapons ready boys, its time. They run in and begin
shooting everywhere but theyre just wasting their bullets so they stop shooting and they
split up to find the person who hurt their mother. One pig was caught by the witch and so
too was the second pig. As the third pig searched and searched the evil witch pops out and
threatened to kill him. But he grabs his gun and says Give up your worthless. He puts his
finger on the trigger and boom!!! He fires at her. Bam! Bam! The gun shoots bullets and she is
gone. Shes dead. Now he has to go find his siblings and he wanders around and finds a room that is
very dirty with spider webs everywhere and rats crawling around. Yuck!!! But he keeps on looking
and finds a door. He opens it very quietly and slowly he creeps in and he finds a rope which is
holding his siblings above a pot of lava. Just hang on. Ill come and get you, he said. Hurry dude.
Were going to be hangi in a minute. He jumps up on the wall and jumps on a ledge. He climbs
down the rope and swings it side to side to the ledge. He makes it and frees them. Once outside
they follow the track back home. They open the door and cheer and mother is up and has made
dinner Hooray! Mum youre Ok? They set the table and munches away. After a big feed they go to
bed and they say good-night to each other.

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