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Actually, the Van Eck phenomenon was written up by Van Eck based on

information that was eventually released by the US government. I know

for a fact it was being studied a number of years earlier based on a
sweep i did while with AFOSI.
While doing a sweep of a secure facility I noted a "waterfall" effect
on the display of specially modified Tek 491 being used to analyze
signals received by a Mason A-3B. Not willing to leave something so
interesting alone, I worked on the display and was able to determine
that it was being generated as a comm center specialist was typing
messages. When he came to the end of the page and hit send (or
whatever the key was back then) the message was sent to the
teleprinter and the signal was "dumped" from the screen and from my
display. It was neat to watch it being built up, but very puzzling
for about an hour or so. To the best of my knowledge, that was one of
the first write-up on the principle (that was back in the mid or late
70's if my failing memory serves me). Van Eck merely put together the
equipment necessary to demonstrate it and do the civilian "technical"
paper. (Just think, it could just as easily have been the Tim Johnson
Principle. <grin>
Did I ever tell you about coming up with the theory on how to
decipher the signals generated by the ball on an IBM Selectric
typewriter. I ran across that one in a sensitive area and using a
Mason A-3B CM receiver (again) was able to determine there were
variations on the location of the pulses in the frequency spread of
the signal generated by the typewriter. I think that was one of the
things that helped generate the TEMPEST program.
The Tech Agents with OSI ran up against a lot of neat signals and
came up with fixes and generated a whole bunch of concerns within the
intelligence community.
tim Johnson
Tim Johnson
Technical Security Consultants Inc.
PO Box 1295
Carrollton, GA 30112
770-712-2164 Cell
What you say in private is your business. Keeping it private is ours.
Georgia License # PDC 002074 Technical Security Consultants Inc.
Espionage Research Institute
Association of Former Office of Special Investigations
Special Agents-Technical Agent

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