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1. The letter J was the last letter added to the English alphabet.

2. The word lethologica describes the state of not being able to remember the word you want.
3. Groaking is a word for staring at someone while they are eating in the hopes that they wil give
you some of their food.
4. The only sense that doesnt full rest when we are sleeping is our hearing.
5. Eating a peppermint can help settle an upset stomach.
6. Sea horses mate for life and hold each others tails when travelling.
7. Daydreaming is good for your brain.
8. Deep breathing can help release tension and toxins from your body.
9. If you drank 42 cups of coffee in one sitting, the caffeine overdose will kill you.
10. If two identical twin women were to marry identically twin men, their children would genetically
be siblings.

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