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1. Cities 1.

As the world aged, we became more advanced

with almost everything we had. We also had more
agriculture, which brought more people to the
towns to grow them eventually into cities.
2. Well organized central Government 2. We never had a well organized government
back in the cavemen days. But then with the
advancements, came more education. With the
advancement in education came the central
3. Complex Religions 3. The people eventually split up and started to all
have different beliefs in religion. With those all
different beliefs came the advancements of them.
Then came the complex religions.
4. Job Specialization 4. With the advancements in the cities came more
things to do in them. All those different jobs came
just as important as one another and played a
bigger role in what they do. Then eventually after
that came job specialization.
5. Social Classes 5. After the job specialization came more and
more money for the special and more unique jobs.
The people who got the better jobs of course got
more money then the people with worse jobs.
6. Arts and Architecture 6. The arts and architecture played a big role in the
creation of the cities. The agriculture made the
towns to cities by having a mass surplus of food
supply. That of course brought more people to the
city and then it grew.
7. Public Works 7. They had no public works back then. But, then
came fresh, running water inside the houses with
the indoor plumbing which boosted the
population. The population went up because of
less sickness and illness.
8. Writing 8. Writing was a big help and a big boost in
education. With advancements came horse letter
transfer which really helps communication
throughout the towns.

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