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Next Week

September 30 - Dress Down Day

In October
October 15 - School Photos
October 15 - ES Conferences
October 18 to 26 -
Chulalongkorn Holiday
October 31 - Dress Down Day
Volume 1, Issue 5 September 26, 2014
Our Week In Review
The focus of our literacy learning this week was our writing. We have been talking about
planning our thoughts before we write, adding details to our writing, and writing in com-
plete sentences. Our reading focus has been on comprehension (understanding). As you
may recall, we are doing an author study on Robert Munsch. We have been going to to listen to Mr. Munsch read his books and then we retell the
story and answer questions.
In Math, we have been working on one-to-one object correspondence and correct num-
ber formation. We have also started having the Leader of the Day add a daily memory
picture to our calendar. We continue to graph information throughout the day as we vote
on favorite books, decide what to do with our evidence of learning (bring home, add to
portfolio, display on a bulletin board), and any other time it is suitable for our learning.
Earlier this week a parent approached me with health concerns in our classroom. I met
with Ms. Naro about it and we have decided to remove most of the carpeting from our
room. We have also requested a full cleaning and maintenance check of our air condi-
tioners to ensure that the air quality is acceptable. In addition to our usual cleaning, Ive
asked the cleaning staff to do a thorough classroom cleaning this week and Ive brought in
bottles of vinegar water (safe for all of us to touch) for the children to use to clean surfaces
like tables and chairs throughout the day, especially before snacking. Please feel free to
catch my attention during drop-off or pick-up time or to call or email anytime if you have
a concern and we can talk about solving it together. Im always open to suggestions for
improving our classroom environment and keeping our students happy and healthy.
We celebrated Beams birthday on Wednes-
day, September 24th with a dinosaur cake
and the Gummi Bear Song.
Happy Birthday Beam!
We need your help!
*Please remember to keep your childs snack and home lunches small and healthy. Please
do not send chocolate or candy unless it has been arranged with me ahead of time as part
of a celebration.
*Please save empty boxes, bottles, plastic containers, lids and labels for us! We are happy
to take your recycled goods to use for literacy practice and for crafting.
* Please read, sign and return the Facebook permission form
* Tuesday, September 30th is a dress-down day. Your child can be out of uniform but must
still have closed shoes, acceptable for PE classes.
* Our class and individual photos will be taken on October 15th at 9:15am.
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