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By Jeran Cloete

Project LED
14-15 years old (grade 8-9).
Pre-requisite skills
Fundamental Mathematics (algebra, calculators, fractions, decimals, SI units, BODMAS).
Computer skills
o Open and close programs, read data on the screen, connect the Arduino.
Study Newtons laws
Understanding Light sensors
Using electronics to interface with the physical world
Quantifying the physical world
Using collected data to determine unknown physical characteristics
Learning Objectives
Objective A:
Measure physical variables and record data (collaborate with other students to measure and
Apply algebraic equations to collected data.
Deduce relationships between physical variables by asking questions and looking for results.
Acquire knowledge of fundamental programming building blocks:
o Variable types (Integers and floats).
o Communication ports
o Integrate Calculations into Arduino code.
Objective B:
Measure different wavelengths of light from various sources
See how different surfaces reflect or absorb different wavelengths of light.
Notice how ultraviolet light (shortest wavelength) is absorbed and filtered by glass and other
surfaces, and lower frequency light is reflected.
Objective C:
Construct a basic LED circuit with an LED a resistor and a power supply.
Connect it to the Arduino
By Jeran Cloete

Learning outcome levelling:

1. Arduino.
2. Computer with USB port. (Raspberry Pi + screen + mouse + keyboard +USB hub).
3. 4x LED + 4x resistor.
4. Additional LEDs to measure different colours (objective B).
5. Breadboards to complete objective C.
Arduino Nano (R200):

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