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A young troll stands in her respiteblock. It just so happens that today, the
21st bilunar perigee of the 9th dark season's equinox, is the day of this young
troll's larval awakening, also known as her wriggling day. Though it was seven
solar sweeps ago she was given life, it is only today she will be given a name!
Seven Alternian solar sweeps, for convenient reference, is equivalent to sixteen
Earth years.
What will the name of this young troll be?
> Enter name.
> Try again.
Your name is TESSTU PIPRIM. As was previously mentioned, it is your WRIGGLING
DAY, which is cool. Sometimes you wish you were never hatched though.
Anyways, you have a variety of interests. You have a passion for OBSCURE BANDS,
TV SHOWS, AND THE LIKE. You love to use computers and hope to one day LEARN HOW
TO PROGRAM THEM. Maybe when you mature you'll become a COMPUTER PROGRAMMER or
something. You don't like to think about the future much. It stresses you out.
What you do like to do is draw, though you're NOT VERY GOOD AT IT. You also like
to read FANTASY BOOKS sometimes.
Your trolltag is bumblingChelonian and </(^^)\> your sp~~ch pr~c~d~s its~lf with an
~moticon of your lusus,,, who is turribly small and w~ll hon~stly kind of m~~k...
Like your lusus, you yourself are RATHER SMALL IN STATURE.
What will you do?

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