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ESA Business Incubation Centre Darmstadt

Founded in 2014, Icecream Cloud Software UG oers
services based around Webservices and Smartphone
Apps. The rst product, easyVineyard, is an awarded
innovative location-based Service for winegrowers.
With our help, farmers can control and manage their
vineyards and thereby save money. The company is run
in a lean way which means that the product is con-
tinuously iterated towards the customers and that we
keep our companies expenses as low as possible.
We have understood our customers: digital farming-
technology has to be user friendly and reasonably
European Space Agency Technology Transfer Programme
ESTEC, PO Box 299, 2200 AG Noordwijk, The Netherlands
Icecream Cloud Software UG
Thorsten Seckert
Robert-Bosch-Str. 7
64293 Darmstadt, Germany
easyVineyard was awarded an Innovation Prize at Intervitis 2013, the largest technical trade fair for viticulture in German-speaking
The software specically focuses on the controlling of the vineyard. Recurring damages can be monitored easily and tasks and work-
ers can be controlled and delegated in the vineyard. Workers can see on a map which tasks need to be done on which vineyard and
where the work is already nished. This way the farmer is assured that the work has been done throughout the whole vineyards
which assures the quality of his product, the wine, and makes it possible to optimize processes and thereby increase revenues.
Through a central cloud service the wine-farmer has access to the acquired eld-data and can delegate and control his workers from
everywhere, be it in his oce or on a business trip. Additional hardware ensures a sucient accurate GPS signal, up to 1-row accuracy.
Products and Services
Credits: AMD, Open Street Map

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