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Ma. Cristina J.


What are the advantages and disadvantages of open and

close ended questions??,

One of the advantages of open ended question was that you get more
information, it's less defined and you have to sift the data. Open-ended
questions allow respondents to include more information, including feelings,
attitudes and understanding of the subject. This allows researchers to
better access the respondents' true feelings on an issue. While the
advantage of close ended questions was that they are more easily analyzed.
Every answer can be given a number or value so that a statistical
interpretation can be assessed. Closed-ended questions are also better
suited for computer analysis. If open-ended questions are analyzed
quantitatively, the qualitative information is reduced to coding and answers
tend to lose some of their initial meaning.

While the disadvantage of open ended question was that it tends to be

slower to administer, it can also be harder to record responses. In self-
administered questionnaires, respondents might not be willing to write a long
answer and decide to leave the question blank. While the disadvantage of
close ended question was that respondents can only answer in a predefined
way and new issues cannot be raised.

Joint Application Design

Joint Application Development (JAD) is a process used in the

prototyping life cycle area of the Dynamic Systems Development Method
(DSDM) to collect business requirements while developing new information
systems for a company. "The JAD process also includes approaches for
enhancing user participation, expediting development, and improving the
quality of specifications." It consists of a workshop where “knowledge
workers and IT specialists meet, sometimes for several days, to define and
review the business requirements for the system.” The attendees include
high level management officials who will ensure the product provides the
needed reports and information at the end. This acts as “a management
process which allows Corporate Information Services (IS) departments to
work more effectively with users in a shorter time frame.”

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