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Date : 21 April, 2011

Attention : Ms. Reynalyn Caudilla

HR Manager (SCIC)

Subject : Resignation Letter

Dear Madam:

I would like to inform you that I am resigning from my position as Autocadd Operator for
Unilever Project effective May 21, 2011, in searh for greener pasture and career growth
and development.
I hope with this advance notice, the company will have enough time to look for my
immediate replacement.
I want to thank Sta. Clara International Corp. Staff and Management for giving me a
chance to be part of this prestigious company. It was really a great experience to be
part of your work force and have learned a lot of things and descipline.
I do appreciate your support that you have provided me during my stay with the
company. And wish that your business dealing will continue to grow and expand,

Sincerely yours,

Michael Rennie R. Corrales
Cadd Operator

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