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One chance

I am writing to request funds for schools located in an extremely poor district

in Brazil.

The schools are all in dilapidated conditions. The walls have ivy growing on
them, the roof has numerous holes and the furniture is falling apart. The
students are from low-income families, which are unable to even afford 3
square meals a day.

Teachers touch the lives of these students in many ways. 67% of teachers had
purchased food for their students. 30% had purchased warm clothes for their
shivering students. 2% had been to the police station to the bail students out.
One teacher had even bought a casket for the dead brother of her student.
Teachers here lead with their heart and persevere, despite many hurdles, to
mould students to become adults who meet societys expectations.

Do these children not deserve the right to be educated in an acceptable
environment, with food in their stomachs and clothed properly? Shouldnt
teachers be given the chance to teach and mould their students into leaders
instead of worrying about whether their students are fed and clothed?

Every dollar you give will allow one child to have one lesser worry. It will not
change their lives, but it will give them that one chance that they deserve.

N Sanmitha

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