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One language spoken worldwide would lead to better international relations.

It is impossible to imagine international relations without communication, as well as
communication separated from language, which is considered to be one of the most
significant communication codes. It is though that establishing one world-language will
reduce misunderstanding and therefore increase profit. However, elimination of other
languages will lead to the disappearance of many national traits. Is the game worth the candle
First, it should be admitted that each nation has its own history, culture and language,
which distinguish it from several others. Language code illustrates the way of peoples
thinking and understanding reality. Refusing your own language in favor of one using
worldwide means forgetting your history and traits in order to follow some multinational
On the other hand, it may be argued, that globalization have already united different
nations all together. It seems like all the people regardless of their religion or traditions
consume the same products, watch the same movies, etc. From this point of view, one world-
language is a natural extension of human integration, which, in addition, will provide better
communication and understanding, because the problem of translation will disappear.
However, it is claimed that todays world is better characterized by the word
cosmopolitism, which means integration but with the maintenance of specific cultural
features. This can be also proved by the fact that all the previous attempts to create an
international language have failed. Even though it is undoubtedly beneficial, because we will
no longer need to learn languages and learn something else instead.
Taking all into consideration, it should be concluded, that while the idea of one
language seems reasonable and desirable people will never realize it due to respect and
affection towards their culture. Moreover, it becomes clear that different cultures means
different ideas and thoughts, which makes our world special and interesting!
302 words.

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