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Roman World Takes

Began a city state in Italy
Set up a Republic
Were Patricians
Rome Occupied all of Italy
From Republic to
Romans controlled trading routes
Rome faced 100 years of civil wars
Augustus was Romes first emperor
200 years span of roman Peace
The Roman
Greco Roman civilization emerged
Engineers emerged from Romans
Rome commitment to justice
The Rise of
Christianity sprang from romans
Jesus is Son of God
Sect remained within Judaism

The Long Decline
Emperor Marcus Aurolius died in
180 A.D.
Split into east and west
Byzantine empire endured for
1,000 years

Rome began as a city state, set up a republic, then Romans were controlling trade
routes. Augustus became Romes first emperor. Roman Peace then came; Christianity
sprang up from the Romans, only a sect was Judaism. Emperor Marcus Aurolius died and
then they split into east and west. Then, Byzantine empire endured for 1,000 years

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