Cpress Media Release Launch

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CasLlemalne ress, CenLral vlcLorla's rsL communlLy access arL prlnL sLudlo wlll be launched wlLh
SaLurday CcLober 4 aL 1pm aL LoL 19 ArLs reclncL, 19 McShanag urlve, o Langslow SL CasLlemalne.
Already a year ln Lhe works, CasLlemalne ress wlll be an arL sLudlo wlLh a dlerence.
WlLh eLchlng presses, drylng racks, screen prlnung Lables and loads of oLher gear, CasLlemalne ress
wlll be a space Lo unleash your prlnLmaklng passlon," sald ClayLon 1remleu, co-founder of CasLle-
malne ress.
1he ArLs are boomlng ln CenLral vlcLorla and CasLlemalne ress ls gearlng up Lo supporL Lhe prlnL-
maklng communlLy. 1he space wlll noL only be a place Lo creaLe, buL also Lo neLwork, creaLe collab-
orauve works, and llnk wlLh schools and Leruary lnsuLuuons. Lducauon ls a real focus wlLh loLs of
workshops planned from lnLroducLory prlnLmaklng Lo masLer classes wlLh nauonally renowned and
lnLernauonal prlnLmakers," sald ClayLon.
1he pegs are ln Lhe ground, plannlng permlLs approved, granLs beglnnlng Lo come ln, and a sense of
exclLemenL ln Lhe prlnLmaklng communlLy. We expecL CasLlemalne ress Lo be fully operauonal by
mld nexL year."
Cur launch Lhls SaLurday ls a chance Lo slgn up and be parL of a growlng vlbranL prlnLmaklng com-
munlLy," ClayLon remarked. Many people do noL have access Lo expenslve prlnLmaklng equlpmenL.
Lven professlonal prlnLmakers oen can'L prlnL large works ln Lhelr own sLudlo. CasLlemalne ress
wlll make prlnLmaklng aordable and accesslble Lo all. Cur Lrump card wlll be 8lg 8erLha" (we are
sull debaung Lhe name), an eLchlng press welghlng ln aL over 600kg, over 1m wlde and 2m long.
1haL's Lhe sorL of Lhlng very few people have aL home."
Cpened by 8achel Pancock, resldenL of 1he rlnL Councll of AusLralla, CasLlemalne ress's launch
wlll feaLure demonsLrauon prlnLmaklng, glve aways and mysLery door prlzes. All welcome.

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