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MS Shoes East Ltd.

: A name invoking trust and assurance

MS Shoes East Ltd. has come a long way to become an archetype in footwear industry. The
conviction and trust factor garnered by the exemplar organization, a result of years of dedication
and hard-work, is nothing less than a colossal feat. The avant-garde show designs also come with
an impeccable style statement, the very reason behind the global success of the brand.
The steady increment in business charts of MS Shoes East Ltd. had not gone down well with the
green eyed rivals, who have tried to tarnish the growing image of the iconic brand by leveling a
series of counterfeit, baseless allegations. A long, legal battle was fought in courts at various
levels. However, truth cant be suppressed for long, and in this case also, green eyed rivals have
to bite the dust. Clear of all baseless charges, the company is new steering its growth towards
newer avenues. All this is possible because of the ardor of one man- Mr. Pavan Sachdeva, CMD
of MS Shoes East Ltd. His pragmatic and sincere efforts have taken the company into several
diverse business lineages. One of them is export as company is planning to export large number
of consumables to Iran. The company is planning to bring out an IPO in near future and also has
strategized to add new products to its list of exports. Also, there are plans to step in the
hospitality sector to provide world class services in this sector.

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