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Codex is a simple snippet organizer. Nothing more.

It uses LkJSON JSON library written by Leonid Koninin to write and read the
database in JSON format. It also uses the SynEdit compoment for the sysntax
highlighting on the snippet's editor.
I wrote it for my own personal use but since all the people that saw this
working ended up using it as their main snippet database tool I decided to
release it to the public. Let me know if you find bugs.
The program is free under the BSD License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.
How to use Codex
To add a new snippet
1. Create a new category by pressing the green plus (+) button on the left.
An example could be: C++. Or select an existing category.
(Note: You don't need to name it after any specific language, you can name it
anything you want)
2. Add a new snippet by pressing the green plus (+) button in the middle. Give
the snippet a title and add the code.
Tip: add a descriptive title. This title will be used to search the snippets.
To remove a snippet
1. Select the snippet and press the red (-) button.
Good to know
There is no need to save the databases, they will be saved automatically.
Syntax coloring
Codex tries to highlight the code based on the name of the category.
For example, if the category is called C then codex will color the syntax
assuming that the code is written in C. Codex can highlight the syntax for the
following languages:
C / C++
Cocoa / Objective-C
Delphi / Pascal
CSS / HTML / Javascript / PHP / XML
Unix Shell Script
DOS Batch

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