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As a future teacher, how will GENERATION GAP

affect you? How will you deal with it?

As a future teacher, generation gap is always present this time, as the
world is moving fast in terms of technology resources, most of the time certain
changes happens thats why theres a Gap between Generations so this kind
of changes affects me most of my entire lifetime.

Generation Gap especially affects mostly Students, Teacher and also
Parents. Because of this Gap, each of them has difficulty to combine certain
perspective in terms of technology advances that makes it more difficult to
have a general statement about it. So for me, In order to deal with the
Generation Gap, I as a future teacher, I need to organize a meeting to address
the agendas of teachers, students and parents about technology in used in
education, what are their comments about it and discuss how technology can
help each one of them and help them to face the reality especially for parents
and teachers that technology nowadays is rampant not only in Education but
in all fields of work and make sure that I can explain further how technology
works so that I could help them learn these technologies so that in the future
they can use it too. I can also ask for the help of my future students to guide
their parents in using these technologies more efficient and faster so that their
bad perspectives about technology would change in time.

Submitted by: Nidea, Alejandro Renzo L. BSE-3F
Submitted to: Prof. Charlie Nacario

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