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Chris Dorff

Educ 275
April 22, 2014

Lesson Plan 9

Name: Terrance Hill
Teacher: Mr. Thole
Subject: Reading

Opening: We will start off this lesson by practicing with a few sight words flash cards again. It
seems to help Terrance with his fluency when we have a simple warm up activity to begin the day.

Lesson: We will then work through some worksheets that I have for Terrance. The work sheets are
to help Terrance with his reading comprehension and his ability to make connections while
reading. After we complete the worksheets, we are going to continue to read books at the j and k
level. Terrance was ok with doing this last week and was still able to comprehend the stories,
despite missing a few more words than normal.

Goals: I am still seeing improvement in Terrances reading. I believe it has been very helpful to have
him simply practice reading and having him listen to good reading from me. I would like to see him
reach the level l books before my tutoring sessions with him are complete. I was also informed by
his mother that his interest in reading has risen since he started working with me. This is very
encouraging for his future as he may be able to catch up to a more appropriate reading level for

Terrance worked through the second grade flash cards well. This also seemed to help him as we
went through the other reading activities. He did well on the work sheets too. His comprehension of
material is strong so long as he can understand the words he is reading. His improvement is
encouraging and with a regular tutor, Terrance could catch up to grade level reading.

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