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Munoz 1

Shannon Munoz
Ashlyn Williams
UWRT 1103
8 September 2014
Observation One
Relevant Background Information: Harry Potter has been attending Hogwarts School of
Witchcraft and Wizardry for 6 years. He made two best friends, Ron Weasley and Hermione
Granger. The Dark Lord, Voldemort, killed his parents as a child but Harry survived. Ever since
this tragic event, Voldemort has been trying to hunt down Harry and kill him; he is willing to
take any necessary means in order to accomplish this goal. As the series gets closer and closer to
the end, the Dark Lord has returned and Harry is ready to fight. While he must overcome other
small battles, the final movie is dedicated to the anticipated fight between Harry and Voldemort.
This movie is based off of J.K. Rowlings series Harry Potter which has become the best
selling book series in history.

Figured World: A hierarchy that has regulations for how the actors should behave. These
could be considered social norms or the way characters are expected to act
There are two different worlds in Harry Potter, the muggle world and the wizard world. In the
muggle world, the social norms are the same as they are in the real world. The only exception is
that the muggles have wizards and witches living among them even though the muggles are
unaware of it. Now the social norms are very different in Harrys wizarding world. It is
acceptable to carry around a wand anywhere you go. In this world, dishes often clean themselves
and ghosts float around as if they are still alive. The Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and
Wizardry is where a lot of the action in the wizard world takes place. This is the place where
Harry and his two best friends, Hermione and Ron, attend school. If one is walking around
Hogwarts, loud noises or explosions are expected because it could simply be a spell gone wrong.
However, everyone is always cautious due to the uneasiness of whether or not Voldemort, the
villain, will return. When Voldemort is actually brought back to physical form, the level of
caution and fear increase exponentially. There are several different communities of practice such
as the different houses in Hogwarts, the different social classes (pure bloods, mud-bloods and
muggles) and the Voldemorts army.
Actors: Characters or people that have a specific/ important role in the figured world
1. Harry Potter: Harry is the main character of the series who is also known as the chosen
one. Throughout the entire series, he has one goal: destroy Voldemort. As a baby,
Voldemort killed Harrys parents but was unable to kill Harry as well. Harry now has a
lightning bolt shaped scar as a reminder of how Voldemort was unable to kill him. Now
Harry must exact revenge on the dark Lord.
2. Ron Weasley: Ron is one of Harrys best friends who often serves as a comic relief. He is
awkward, goofy and sometimes unintelligent. In the last couple of movies, he begins to
become uneasy about fighting a war. Harry and Hermione must reassure him that war is
what needs to happen. At the end of the movie, Ron had destroyed a horcrux, defeated
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numerous death eaters and helped saved Harry. Even though he was always awkward, he
became a true hero in the last movie that ultimately saved Harrys life.
3. Hermione Granger: Hermione is Harrys other best friend who is the brains of the group.
She is often considered a know-it-all who wants people to know about her intelligence.
Her superior demeanor often gets in the way of her being able to distinguish being
helpful from just being plain rude. In the last movie, she and Ron play crucial roles. They
help to both find and destroy Horcruxes in order to become that much closer to killing
4. Neville Longbottom: Neville has always been considered a clumsy person who will never
be successful wizard. However, in the last two movies he became one of the main heroes.
He was a main fighter in the battle and stood behind Harry and his decision no matter
what. In the last movie, Neville was the person who killed the last Horcrux, Nagini; in the
process, he saved Ron and Hermione.
5. Draco Malfoy: Draco is also a student at Hogwarts but has always been known as Harrys
enemy. He is constantly taunting Harry or stirring up some sort of trouble. He eventually
turns to the dark side and becomes a follower of the Dark Lord.
6. Professor Snape: Snape is a professor at Hogwarts but has always seemed mysterious. He
has never liked Harry or had a problem showing it. He had followed the Dark Lord for a
long time but eventually turned from his ways. However, in order for the Dark Lord to
fully trust Snape, he had to be the one to kill Dumbledore.
7. Dumbledore: Professor Dumbledore is the headmaster of Hogwarts. He served as a
mentor for Harry. Dumbledore cared for Harry so much but never fully admitted it.
Dumbledore basically indirectly guided Harry throughout his years at Hogwarts. He was
killed by Snape before the last movie but was still considered one of the greatest wizards
of all time.

Artifacts: Itmes found in the figured world that have major significance. The could be
physical items, ideas or reoccurring thoughts.
1. The Elder Wand: The Elder Wand is considered the most powerful wand in the wizarding
world. It was crafted by death itself and can defeat any of the owners opponents. The
only catch to using the wand is that its loyalty lies with the one who killed the previous
owner of the wand. This wand is important because once Voldemort gains possession of
it, he believes he can finally defeat Harry Potter. However, he learns that the wands
loyalty does not truly lie with him.
2. Resurrection Stone: The Resurrection Stone is a stone that can bring any loved one back
to life. It was given to man by Death but was not fully described until the last movie.
3. The Cloak of Invisibility: The cloak of invisibility can hide a person from other people. It
was fashioned from part of Deaths own robe. This artifact is important because it is what
allows Harry to wander around the corridors late at night without being caught. If one
man possesses this object, the Elder Wand and the Resurrection Stone, he will be
considered a master a death.
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*The last picture above is the symbol of the Deathly Hallows. Many characters
are seen wearing this symbol as a necklace; some even have it on their gravestone. It was
not until the last movie that Harry, Hermione and Ron realized what it represented. The
triangle represent the cloak, the circle represents the stone and the line in the center
represents the Elder Wand.
4. Fear: Everyone at Hogwarts and all of Harrys friends constantly lived in fear of the
return of Voldemort. The characters were so afraid that they would call him He-who-
must-not-be-named because even the mention of his name would cause uproar.
5. Harrys Scar: Harrys scar is a mark that shows Voldemort did not kill him when Harry
was a child. This scar is what identifies Harry in the beginning of the series because it is
the proof survived Voldemorts attack. Whenever Voldemort is near or is touching Harry,
the scar burns because it serves as a reminder of who gave it to him. It is the shape of a
lightning bolt that is located on his forehead.
6. Horcruxes: Horcruxes are random items in the series that hold a piece of Voldemorts
soul. He put his soul in seven different objects so that he would be almost invincible.
They are significant because a person must find and destroy all of them in order to defeat
the Dark Lord. The Horcruxes are Rowena Ravenclaws tiara, Nagini, a small cup, a
locket, a diary, a ring and Harry himself.
Communities of Practices: A certain group of people that have common interests or shared
1. Death Eaters: Death Eaters are the followers of Voldemort. They have one common goal:
kill Harry Potter. They all have something called the dark mark, which is a connection
between Voldemort and his followers. The can be used as communication because when
one touches it, it summons Voldemort or he can summon them.
2. Dumbledores Army: This army consists of almost all the students at Hogwarts,
excluding Slytherin. The faculty and students ban together in the last movie to fight an
epic battle against Voldemort, the death eaters and all of his followers. The main leaders
are Harry, Hermione, Ron, Neville and Professor Mcgonnagal.
Practices of the Community: The main idea that a community works toward. They can be
shared ideas, interests or practices.
1. Killing Voldemort: In the last movie, Dumbledores Army all bans together to destroy
the Dark Lord. While Harry must be the one to actually kill him, the others are able to
find horcruxes or fight of death eaters.
2. Protecting Harry: Although it is never illicitly stated, everyone tries their best to protect
Harry. Everyone knows that Harry must be the one to kill Voldemort and if Harry is dead,
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who will be the one to kill the Dark Lord. People are willingly giving their lives in order
to save Harry. This not only shows characters sacrifices but it also shows how Harry is
so cared for even though he grew up in a rough situation.
Domain: The shared motivation that the community of practice has; The common goal of a
community. It is similar to the focus of the group. Its the driving force for the community
of practice
1. Desire to find the Horcruxes: Finding Horcruxes is crucial in the last movie because it in
order to truly destroy the Dark Lord, one must find and destroy all of them. Not
everybody in the last movie is searching individually but they are all playing a part by
fighting death eaters or delaying the villains so that Harry and his friends have time to
destroy them all.
2. Avenge Dumbledores death: In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Snape killed
Dumbledore. Dumbledore was the most revered headmaster at Hogwarts and his death
devastated everyone. So, in the last movie, Harry is determined to find out why
Dumbledore was killed by Snape while the other fight off the evil forces to avenge
Dumbledore. This is why the students and faculty are known as Dumbledores Army.
Literacy Practices: A way that a community communicates to one another
1. The Daily Prophet: This is the newspaper used in the wizarding world. It has articles that
talk about happenings at Hogwarts or anywhere else. In the last movies, it becomes a
biased newspaper that aims to bash Harry in any way possible. They accused Harry of
lying and said that he was making up the return of Voldemort. The paper tries to turn the
public against Harry so that they are blind to the fact that Voldemort has truly returned. It
spreads lies and rumors in order to sway the readers to be against Harry.
2. Owl Post: This system is a mail system where owls deliver letters to different people. A
person writes a letter to another person, gives it to the owl and then the owl delivers to
the intended receiver.
Observation 1 (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2):
2:00: Harry realized that he is the final horcrux. He discovers, through the thoughts of Snape,
one of Harrys professors, that only he can fight Voldemort and kill him. He tells Hermione and
Ron that he must go to the forest. They try to convince him not to go but they both know that
Harry must do this in order for good to prevail.
6:00: Harry walks into the forest to meet Voldemort. Before he found him, Harry opens of the
Snitch which only opens at the close. By opening the Snitch, the resurrection stone was
revealed which allowed his dead loved ones to appear only for a brief time before he went to find
Voldemort. Harry knew that he was no longer alone in this battle. He drops the resurrection stone
and finally makes his way to face his death.
10:00: Harry finally comes face to face with the man who wanted to kill him for his entire life.
Voldemort kills Harry Potter, or so he thinks. Then it immediately shows Harry in some sort of
limbo. Here, he sees Dumbledore who confirms that a part of Voldemort lived in Harry. He was
the horcrux that Voldemort never meant to make. However, when Voldemort thought he killed
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Harry, he really only destroyed the horcrux inside him. Dumbledore ensures that if Harry returns
to the real world, he will always have help.
17:00: Voldemort demands to someone to see if Harry is actually dead. Once it is confirmed, he
is carried back to Hogwarts to prove that Harry Potter was killed. Voldemort offers the
remainder of Dumbledores army to join him or else they will all be killed.
22:00: Neville steps up to give a type of encouraging speech and to tell Voldemort that the battle
is not over. At this time, Harry wakes back up and tries to destroy Nagini, the final horcrux. He
runs inside the castle knowing that Voldemort will find him.
24:00: Ron and Hermione join together to destroy Nagini. Hermione throws at rock at Nagini in
order to distract her while Ron runs up behind to try to catch her off guard. Unfortunately they
were unable to follow through with their plan and things quickly take a turn for the worst.
26:00: Harry and Voldemort begin their epic battle in the attic of Hogwarts. With the castle in
shambles, it is very easy to get too close to the edge. Harry begins to tell Voldemort that the
loyalty of the Elder Wand would never truly lie with him. Harry takes this chance to grab
Voldemort and jump off the building. They landed safely due to the fact that Voldemort was able
to fly.
28:00: Nagini begins to chase Ron and Hermione after their failed attempt at destroying her. The
frantically scramble down the stairs and are cornered in the building by Nagini. Ron makes one
last attempt to kill her but the spell does not even faze her. As Ron and Hermione lose hope,
Neville comes to the rescue and kills the serpent with a sword. At this point in the story we see
that Harry is not the sole hero.
29:00: As the last horcrux was destroyed, Voldemort knows that his soul is dead. Harry realized
this as well and the final fight takes place. The Elder wand begins to fail Voldemort and Harry is
finally able to get revenge on the man who killed his parents as a child.
Observation 2 (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1):
1:00: Harry, Ron and Hermione attempt to steal Umbridges locket because they know it is a
horcrux. The trio had to disguise themselves as adults who worked in the Ministry of Magic in
order to even get close to Umbridge. Unfortunately, their potions wear off and their true
identities are revealed. They are forced to flee the ministry due to the fact that they are wanted
4:00: After barely escaping the Ministry, Harry, Ron and Hermione end up in someforest. Ron
has been seriously injured due to their unsafe travel methods. Hermione begins to make a type of
force field in order to hide them from any passerbys.
6:00: Harry and Hermione attempt to destroy the locket horcrux the next day. Due to his injury,
Ron is unable to participate. Every spell the two try do not even seem to phase the horcrux; it
seems as if the locket is indestructible. Harry eventually gives up and puts the locket around his
neck in order to keep it safe.
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9:00: Harry begins to become angry and frustrated. He is constantly on edge and begins to snap
at his friends. Hermione immediately knows it is the effects of wearing the horcrux for too long
so she demands he take it off. The two then decide that they will take turns wearing the locket.
11:00: The two boys are in bed while Hermione keeps watch. She hears a strange noise and goes
toward her force field to see what it was. She sees a group of snatchers, people hired to snatch
wanted witches and wizards. She expects them to just pass her by but instead, one catches the
scent of Hermiones perfume. Even though the snatchers smelled her perfume, they pass by
which proves that Hermiones enchantments worked.
14:00: The trio begins on their journey so they do not stay in one place too long. One evening,
Hermione finally realizes what will destroy the horcruxes. She tells Harry what they must
acquire in order to destroy all of them but Ron becomes jealous because he feels as if he has
been left out.
16:00: Ron threatens to leave the group due to his exclusion from the group. Harry becomes
annoyed with Rons childish actions and they begin to argue. Hermione believes Rons actions
were due to the fact that he had been wearing the locket all day. He refuses to take it off. Ron
and Harry begin to fight and Hermione begs them to stop. Once Hermione breaks up the fight,
Ron takes off the locket and leaves.
19:30: Harry and Hermione are forced to travel to a new place once again but they know it will
not be the same without Ron. Harry and Hermione seem dismal without their third friend there.
Harry offers to dance with Hermione in order to lift her spirits but it was a wasted effort. They
both know their journey will not be the same without Ron.
22:00: Harry lays in his bed with the golden snitch that was left to him in Dumbeldores will. He
touches the snitch to his lips which reveals the quote I open at the close. He rushes to show
Hermione but she is not sure what it means. Hermione also shows Harry something she found. It
was a symbol that was drawn inside one of her books. Harry recognizes it because he had seen
one of his friends dads wearing it.
24:00: Harry tells Hermione that he was to go to Godrics Hollow, Harrys birthplace. Hermione
is hesitant because she knows that Voldemort will be expecting him to be there. Eventually, she
agrees to go in hopes they will also find the Sword of Gryffindor.
26:00: Harry and Hermione arrive in Godrics Hollow and find out it is Christmas Eve. They
walk to the nearest grave yard and Hermione finds the same symbol etched on someones
gravestone. Harry finds his parents grave and they share a moment of sorrow together.
28:00: Hermione spots an elderly woman watching them from across the graveyard. Harry
believes he recognizes the woman so they begin to follow her. Hermione does not like the
situation but Harry insists that everything is safe. They follow the woman to her house and begin
to explore. There seems to be uneasiness all throughout the room, which foreshadows that
something is not safe.
Observation 3 (Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince):
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1:00: Draco Malfoy is seen wandering the corridors. He ends up in a room and unconvers what
seems to be a large wardrobe. When he opens the wadrobe opens, several death eaters emerge
from it. This shows how the death eaters were able to get into Hogwarts without being seen.
2:00: Harry and Dumbledore appear on top of the astronomy tower. Dumbledore seems weak
and Harry insists that he goes to to hospital immediately. Dumbledore refuses and tells Harry to
tell Snape where they were. As Harry turns to leave, he hears a noise. Dumbledore instructs him
to hide below so he wont be seen.
3:00: Draco appears with his wand drawn toward Dumbledore. Draco has been sent to murder
Draco. Dumbledore assures Draco that Draco is not an assassin. Draco refuses this and claims
that he was chosen by the Dark Lord and then shows Dumbledore his dark mark. The death
eaters arrive and the scene and Dumbledore is intrigued as to how they made their way into
Hogwarts. Draco explains how the wardrobe serves as a passage from one place to another.
5:00: Dumbledore knows that Draco has been sent by the Dark Lord to kill him. Dumbledore
tries to assure Draco that he does not have to carry through with his decision. However, Draco
believes that if he does not carry through with it, the Dark Lord will kill him. The death eaters
egg on Draco to kill him but he is hesitant.
7:00: Snape arrives on the scene and tell the death eaters that it will not be Draco who will kill
Dumbledore. There is then a moment of silence and then Snape kills Dumbledore in the blink of
an eye. Harry looks through the cracks in the ground from below, astounded. He knew that
Dumbledore trusted Snape and was appalled that Snape would carry through with such a thing.
One of the death eaters conjures the dark mark to inform the Dark Lord that Dumbledore is dead.
9:00: The death eaters, Snape and Draco flee the astronomy tower and begin to wreak havoc all
over Hogwarts. This includes destroying the dining hall and setting a house on fire. Harry runs
after Snape screaming, He trusted you! One of the death eaters tries to kill Harry but Snape
says he is to be saved for the Dark Lord. Harry continues to pursue Snape but he is thrown to the
ground by one of Snapes spells. Snape then approaches Harry and tells him that he is the Half
Blood Prince.
12:00: Harry is left on the ground and looks to the sky to see the Dark Mark. He then returns to
the courtyard to see all the students gathered around Dumbledores body. He takes the locket,
which is a horcrux, from Dumbledore then weeps over his body. All the students then lift their
wands in the air to shine a light. This diminishes the dark mark that looms in the sky. The
students and staff at Hogwarts know that a large battle will soon ensue.
15:00: The next day, Harry makes his way to Dumbledores office. He looks around and sees the
Elder Wand sitting on his desk. One of Professors walks in and tells Harry that he meant a great
deal to the Headmaster of Hogwarts. Harry is unsure what to say then leaves the room.
17:00: Harry and Hermione are then seen on the astronomy tower talking about last nights
events. Hermione asks Hermione if Draco wouldve carried through with killing Dumbledore.
Harry says that it was really Snape all along; he was the one that would betray Dumbledore.
19:00: Harry tells Hermione that the locket he retrieved from Dumbledore was actually a fake.
There is a note inside that says some man has the real horcrux. This is troubling for Harry
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because he does not know whom the man is or where the real horcrux is located. The scene
closes by Harry and Hermione discussing how they will find the rest of the horcruxes together.

Questions For Harry Potter Characters
*Question for Harry Potter* How do you feel knowing that you defeated the biggest
threat to the wizard world?
o I finally felt at peace. Knowing that I had finally defeated the man who had
hunted me for my whole life took probably the biggest weight of my shoulder.
I was finally able to avenge my parents death and I know everything will
finally be normal from now on.
*Question for Harry Potter* How did you two best friends help you throughout your
time at Hogwarts?
o Honestly, without them, I do not believe I could have accomplished anything.
They supported me through all my dumb decisions and stubbornness. They
were there for me as a struggled in the muggle world and also as I struggled
in the Wizard world. They became the family I never had.
*Question for Ron Weasley* Tell me about your family life after the death of you
brother, Fred.
o George seemed lost. His second half was no longer there to stir up trouble or
cause mayhem. Although our family was happy for Harry, we knew a vital
part of us was missing.
Questions for Harry Potter Fans
How are Harrys and Voldemorts role complicated throughout the film given their
similar background?
o Since Dumbledore had seen the what happened to Voldemort as a child, he
was able to be a better mentor for Harry. Although Harry had every right to
be bitter through his life, he was able to surround himself with good
influences who helped keep him on the right track. Dominique Webb
How did you react when Draco finally turned away from Voldemorts command?
o I was not surprised because I saw his loyalty wavering as the story
progressed. The more challenging the task, the more hesitant he was.
Dominique Webb
How would Nevilles transformation throughout the movie?
o He went from having no courage to having incredible bravery at the end. He
defeated the last horcrux in order to save Harry and allow him to kill Snape.
James Michael
From the last question, since Neville killed the last horcrux and gained so much courage,
would you consider him greater hero than Harry?
o Although Neville was very brave and accomplished a lot more than anyone
thought, Harry is still the greater hero. If someone compared Harrys
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accomplishments to Nevilles, Harrys would always outweigh Nevilles. James

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